
Monday, January 31, 2011

Cleansed by the Word.

     I love how Psalm 119 reads in the Amplified version. I think it brings great clarity to the meaning of this passage of scripture.
     1.  Blessed (HAPPY, fortunate, to be envied) are the undefiled (the upright, truly sincere, and blameless) in the way [of the revealed will of God], who walk (order their conduct and conversation) in the law of the Lord (the whole of God's revealed will).
    2.   Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are they who keep His testimonies, and who seek, inquire for and of Him and crave Him with the whole heart.
    3.   Yes, they do no unrighteousness [no willful wanderingfrom His precepts]; they walk in His ways [1John 3:9; 5:18.]
     We are shown the blessedness of holiness. Those who walk with God, order their lives by His word, keep His ways, are blessed. They are happy! They have peace with God, their fellowship with Him is close, in fact He is their hearts desire! Verse two shows us that holiness depends upon our seeking God. It is God that we desire above all. Our hearts cry for Him, and long for Him above all else. Too often we long for the things that God can give us, for what He can do for us, but our desire for Him diminishes. Our obedience to God must flow out of a love for Him. He alone must be the great object that our hearts go out to. We may keep up forms of obedience, and appear very religious, but without love it is empty and meaningless (1 Cor 13:1-3; Rev 2:1-4).
     God has called us to be holy as He is holy (1 Peter 1:15,16). Holiness can be defined as separation from sin and self, and dedication to the service of God. We are to be separated from sin in, and living Godly, in ALL our manner of conduct. Without a genuine love for God, without the burning of our hearts after Him, our efforts amount only to self serving attempts at pleasing God.
     We can see this in daily life, when two individuals are in love, they will find out what will please each other, and willingly go to great lengths to do these things. Not out of compulsion, but out of a genuine desire to make the other person happy. Likewise, when we are passionately in love with Christ, we will seek to honor, and please Him in all we do. His desires will be our desires, and we will willingly do all we can to promote His interests.
     Throughout this Psalm, the writer calls on God for strength, and help in remaining steadfast in his walk. This is true, for apart from Christ we can do nothing (John 15:5). We are told to be filled with the Spirit, exhorted to walk by the Spirit, it is God who is at work in us, we are called and set apart (sanctified), by His Spirit. We are dependant on God, but we must yield to Him, obey Him, by faith. This is a faith that works by love, a faith that is fully commited to Christ, and depends on Him at all times, and in all circumstances.
     Those who love Him, and trust Him, will walk as Jesus walked. Our salvation is a life long process. We have been justified, made right with God, and now we are being formed into the image of Christ!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Children, a reward from the Lord.

     See that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I tell you that in heaven their angels always behold the face of my Father who is in heaven.
                                                   Matthew 18:10,11 (RSV)

     In the biblical sense, to despise someone, is to regard them as insignificant, not very important. It does not necessarily mean outright hatred or anger, often erupting in violence, but just to consider someone as insignificant means we despise that person in our hearts! Take Esau for example. He stood to inherit a blessing as the eldest son. It was his birthright, but in a moment of hunger he sold that right to his brother for a bowl of stew. We are told that he despised his birthright (Gen 25:34), it did not mean anything to him. A single meal was more important to him! This was immoral in the eyes of God (Heb 12:16).
     We see children despised in many evil ways, such as abortion, child abuse, slavery,  and in many other like ways. However our children can become victims of a more subtle form of neglect if we are not careful!
     The gospels record an instance when children were being brought to Jesus to be blessed by Him (Matt 19:13-15, Mark 10:13-16, Luke 18:15-17). The disciples of Jesus were indignant, and rebuked those bringing them. Perhaps they thought Jesus was too busy. They might have thought what they were doing was much more important. What shone through however was the fact that these children were insignificant in their eyes. Unlike these disciples, Jesus took the time to receive these children, and in fact stated that anyone who would enter the kingdom of God must receive it like a child.
     I think we, like the disciples can become too busy, the things we do can become too important, and our children get left out. While it is true that one needs to work to support his family, often a career can consume time that could be better spent with family. I understand that sometimes both parents need to work to make ends meet, but I do believe that God never intended to have both parents out of the home, and the kids in daycare. Many might not agree with this, but I believe that it is biblical to have a stay at home mom! Too many people have too work to pay down debt, pay for a vacation home, new vehicles, boats, and many other nice but unnecessary things. We have become very material minded at a great price. I once worked with a lady who held three jobs so she could pay off her vehicle, motorcycle, and insurance. Her husband worked as well. They went for days without seeing very much of each other, and their marriage failed. A high price to pay for things that are not needed.
     Simplicity is one of the blessings of the gospel! We are to be content. Our happiness is to be found in Christ.  God has blessed us with families that need us! Children need quality time with their parents. I think that it is important that we take whatever steps necesary to ensure that they receive the love and care that they deserve. If that means living with a few less "things" to free up time from a job, then do it! What is more important? We are to train up our children to love and serve God. We are to raise them in an environment where they know they are loved. The home is important in the eyes of God. The world is busy chasing careers and material things. We have better things to live for!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The potential we have through Christ.

     To those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours....
                                                                              1 Peter 1:1 (RSV)

     We often tend to look at the men and women of the Bible as superhuman. We see the things that they accomplished, see the trials they faced with pererverance, see the unswerving faith they possessed, the miracles performed by this faith, etc. We tend to look at them as special people. God used them, but not us.
     In this verse Peter, a disciple of Jesus, a man who experienced much, a man who walked on water, tells us that we all stand on level ground when it comes to faith! God does not give preference to one individual over another when it comes to faith. It is true that some are given gifts of faith (1 Cor 12:9), but that is speaking of spiritual gifts used to build up the body of christ. God has gifted each of us in specific ways, to advance His kingdom.
     Just as Peter and the other Disciples had a faith that perservered, a faith that moved mountains, a faith that saw the supernatural, so we too have been given the same faith! It is up to us to walk in it, to stretch it and use it. In Hebrews 11 we read an impressive list of individuals who walked by faith. Since we are surrounded by these witnesses of faith, we are encouraged to run the race, looking to Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith (12:1-2).
      We are also given the example of Elijah (James 5:17). We are told that he was a man just like all of us. There was nothing extraordinary about him that impressed God to use him. Yet he was a man of great faith, and is held out as an example of what God can do through and individual who will trust in Him.
     Faith is taking God at His word. We might not understand it, it might seem crazy, unbelievable, impossible, yet God has said it and I will believe it! Faith acts upon this belief in the face of the seemingly impossible.
     Remember, all these individuals were only human! God can and does use like individuals today as well. He wants to use you!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

You must be born again.

          Do not marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born anew.'
           John 3:7 (RSV)

     Nicodemus was a religious man. Like the other Pharisees, he studied the scriptures, went to the temple, offered sacrifices, prayed, fasted, gave alms, etc. On the surface he apeared to be a righteous man. The Pharisees were zealous for the law of God, and religious traditions, some biblical and some not.
     Nicodemus came to Jesus because He knew that He had come from God (John 3:2). He was interested and wanted to visit with Him.
     It was a great shock to him when Jesus told him that to see the kingdom of God, one must be born again. He stumbled at this. All his religious training had failed to show him what lies in the heart of man, that there was no cure for a sinful heart found in traditions and mere religion. Flesh gives birth to flesh (vs 6). Ever since the fall of Adam and Eve, mankind has given birth to sinful mankind (Romans 5:12). All have sinned (Romans 3:9-23). Although alive physically, we are all spiritually dead in our trespasses and sins (Eph 2:1). Our hearts are set against God, and will not submit to Him or His laws (Romans 8:7).
     Our only hope of spiritual life is found with God. It is Spirit that gives birth to spirit. We need a radical transformation, a change from death to life. We need to be transformed from darkness to light. Selfishness and sin, to love and holiness. Traditions and religious excersises profit nothing. Church attendance, good deeds, bible reading, prayer, serve a good purpose, they are important in the life of a believer, but they will not save you!  Our hope lies with God, who through the working of the Holy Spirit, brings about a change of nature in the hearts of all who in repentance and faith cast themselves on His mercy, through Jesus Christ. Forgiveness, is not the new birth itself, although it is part of salvation. The new birth is a total makeover of the heart! If any man be in Christ he is a new creation (2 Cor 5:17). God has made us alive spiritually, while we were yet dead (Eph 2:1-6) He has delivered us from our sinful passions, in His mercy. This has been accomplished through rebirth and renewal brought about by the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:3-5).We dont't understand all of how it works, Jesus told Nicodemus that the wind blows but we can't see it. In the same manner, we can't see the actual work of the Spirit within the heart of man, but it is done none the less!
     God will not force Himself on any one. He wants the willing surrender of our hearts. He draws us and convicts us by His Spirit, yet He leaves us to choose whom we will serve. It is up to us. Will we abandon sin? Will we throw ourselves on His mercy, trusting in Him alone to forgive us based upon the finished work of Christ on our behalf? Will we give Him our hearts to cleanse and reconstruct? Are we willing to serve Him no matter the cost?  God so loved the world that He sent His Son into it, He gave of Himself for us, so that by faith in Him we might have eternal life. You must be born again!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Know why you believe what you believe!

     And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but a what it really is, the word of God, which is at work in you believers. 1 Thessalonians 1:13 RSV

     There are many teachers in the world today. Many of them are biblicaly sound, they love God and desire to see people saved and growing in their walk with the Lord. They study the word, and do not depart from it when they instruct others. However the world is also full of false teachers as well. They instruct from other motives. They will teach what people want to hear. They do not love the truth, and seek to lead people astray.
     It is imperitive that we are thoroughly grounded in the word of God. It is in the word that we find safety. His word is the final authority on spiritual matters. The word of God declares the truth. We must compare what we see and hear by the word!
     It is dangerous to blindly accept whatever we hear just because we heard it from a pastor, teacher, evangelist or whoever. No matter who they are, or how trustworthy they appear to be, we must test them by the word of God. In the text found in 1 Thessalonians, Paul himself was grateful that they accepted what he had taught them. Not because he had taught them, but because they had determined that it was God's truth. He encountere the same thing at Berea, when the people studied the scriptures to see if he had told them the truth (Acts 17:11). This is the Apostle Paul! A man chosen and annointed by God to preach the gospel! He was responsible, under inspiration, for writing much of the New Testament! He wanted the people to check it out for themselves!
     We are responsible for ourselves. Never accept something just because someone taught you. We dare not be led astray. We also must never receive the truth just because man taught it. We must work it out within ourselves and receive it for what it really is, the very word of God!

The significance of the resurrection.

     Believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead.....
                                                                       Romans 10:9

     The fact of the resurrection of Christ is vital to our salvation. The Apostle Paul states that if Christ has not been raised from the dead our faith is in vain, we are still lost in our sin (1 Cor 15:17). The resurrection of Christ is God's stamp of approval on the atoning sacrifice that Jesus made for us. Had Jesus failed to be an unblemished sacrifice, there could have been no resurrection, therefore no chance of reconciliation with God.
     Jesus was vindicated by the resurrection as well (1 Tim 3:16). Jesus, the son of God, fully divine, became flesh and lived among us. He lived a sinless life, came in love, healed the sick, loved the unloveable, did good, taught the ways of God, exhibiting perfection in all He said and did. How was He received by men? He was despised and rejected, and put to death in a cruel way, after He had been mocked in an unjust trial! This only shows the utter depravity of the heart of man. Our sinfulness is magnified by the righteousness of the son of God. Peter stood up on the day of pentecost and proclaimed to the crowd that they had crucified Jesus, but God had raised Him from the dead and made Him Lord and Christ! They were cut to the heart with guilt and asked what must we do? They were brought face to face with the ugliness of sin. They saw that the sin in their hearts had brought them to the very point of killing Jesus, God in the flesh! The resurrection vindicated Christ. He was shown to be God. His ways and teaching were shown to be true, sin was exposed for how terrible it really is. We are shown the darkness inside of us when confronted with the death and resurrection of Christ.
     God demonstrated His hatred for sin by the crucifixion of Jesus, but He also demonstrated His love for fallen man by sending Him to die for us. Paul paints a picture of this in Romans chapter 6 when he explains that we must not take the grace of god lightly. We must not continue in sin. We have died to sin. Just as Christ died, was buried, and rose from the dead, so we to have died with Him and have been raised to newness of life. This is a life of righteousness, a life lived in loving obedience to God. We are to consider ourselves dead to sin and alive to God. We have been set free from sin, and become slaves of righteousness (vs 18). The wages of sin is death, but God's gift to us is eternal life through Christ Jesus (vs 23).
     The resurrection of Christ was accomplished through the power of the Holy Spirit. Paul, in Romans 8 tells us that the same Sirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in us as believers. He will quicken our bodies, we will be resurrected as well, at Christs return(1 Cor 20-23).  The indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives gives us power to live for christ as well. In Ephesians 1, Paul prays that believers would come to know by experience, the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead. This power is for us as we serve God. Power to overcome the world, power to face trials, power to witness etc.
     Death could not hold Jesus, He is a risen, living Savior. He is alive today making intercession for us (Hebrews 7:25). He is alive today, at the Fathers right hand as our advocate (1John 2:1). He is our great high priest, we can come to Him for grace in time of need (Hebrews 4: 14-16).  We serve a living Lord, who one day is coming back for us (Hebrews 9:27-28).
      Jesus will also one day come to judge the world in righteousness (Acts 17: 31). The resurrection stands as God's seal of assurance of this fact. He alone is worthy, and He will be completely just. God has been patiently dealing with the human race, but now is the time to repent, because some day it will be to late!
     Jesus lives! What does that mean to you?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Lordship of Christ.

     If You confess with your mouth "Jesus is Lord"
                                               Romans 10:9

     To confess Jesus as Lord implies much more than a mere mental assent to the fact that He is Lord. Many people will agree with this, they believe in the deity of Christ, and  in their minds they agree that He is Lord. However they lack a full understanding of what Lord means. For many Lord is just a term, another word used to refer to God. It is used in a casual manner when people speak of God, with no more respect than the term " The man upstairs."
     However Jesus is Lord! He is soveriegn over all. All thing were created by Him and for Him. We exist because of Him. He became flesh and gave Himself for us, that we might be reconciled to God1 He has a claim on each and everyone of our lives. He has full right to and demands our full allegiance to Him and His cause. To confess Him as Lord means that we agree to this! We give up the right to ourself and place ourselves under His authority! Our lives are not our own! We gladly give them to Him. To confess Him as Lord means that we will forsake all to follow Him. Anything that stands in the way of pursuing Him must go! we will obey Him with a heartfelt loyalty that spring out of love for the one that gave Himself for us. We willingly abandon sin! We now want to please Jesus!
     The Christians in Paul's day often paid for this commitment with their lives. To make a public confession of Jesus meant persecution and death To name Jesus as Lord was to deny Ceasar, who declared that he was Lord. It was no small thing to the early Christians to make this bold declaration.of Christ.  These words of Paul still carry grave weight today. What does it mean to you to declare "Jesus is Lord"?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The object of love.

     Love must be sincere...
                               Romans 12:9

     Love can be defined as seeking the highest good of another, for that person's sake. When we see an individual with a need that we can meet, and act upon it, out of a genuine care for that individual, that is love.
     Many people will do things for others, helping them in great ways, but their intent is not the welfare of that individual, but they stand to gain something for themselves. This is nothing but selfishness, even though on the surface it appears to be love. Many people give to charities for the tax breaks, or for public recognition. Others will do good deeds to earn favor with God, but in reality the object of love is actually self in these instances. If I do this good deed, I will gain something for it!
     Love is not self seeking, it looks out for others, puts others first, gives sacrificially, it acts out of a real heartfelt concern for the needs of others. In the sermon on the mount, Jesus touches on this concept when He warns us to do our good deeds in secret, not to be seen by men. Those who act out of pure love will have a heavenly reward. Those who act for selfish reasons have received their reward here on earth, their deeds being done out of hypocricy, do not please God at all.
     Let love be sincere! Aim at bringing glory to God, and seek the highest good of those around you!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Fulfilling the law.

       For he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law.
                                                                                       Romans 13:8

      Jesus put the law in its simplest terms when He said "Treat others as you would have them treat you" (Matt 7:12). Many people hold that the law of God was old testament only, it  has some good ideas in it but it doesn't matter if it is followed or not. However Jesus stated that He did not come to do away with the law, but rather to fulfill it (fill it, or restore it to it's true sense). The religious teachers of the day had perverted the meaning of the law, and much of the sermon on the mount deals with this.
     There is no one who wants to be lied to, or have their belongings stolen from them, their spouse cheating on them, goods coveted, to be the victim of hate and murder. We all want our children to respect and obey us. It is not hard to see what Jesus meant when He stated the golden rule!
     In Romans 13:8-10, Paul tells us that the commandments are summed up in the rule "Love your neighbor as yourself." He goes on to say that love does no harm to to its neighbor and is the fulfilling of the law.
     Throughout the new testament we are shown the importance of love, we are told over and over to show love to one another, We are shown that true faith works by love and establishes the law. This love is produced in us as we yield to the workings of the Holy Spirit in our lives. I encourage each one of us to love deeply from the heart, as we let Jesus live through us each day!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Just like God.

     Most children will tell you that when they grow up they want to be just like dad. A little girl might want to be just like mom. They see their parents and love them, and want to be just like them. Likewise we as God's children should aspire to be just like Him as well. Be imitators of God, therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God (Eph 5:1-2 NIV). We have the example of Christ set before us, His love for us went the full distance. We are called to follow in His steps, to love one another as christ has loved us. God is love, and He desires each one of us to love as well. Let's be imitators of our heavenly Father, as we love those around us!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Commitment to the cause.

     The work of God is this: To believe in the one He has sent. John 6:29.

     The kind of faith that Jesus mentions here is not an intellectual kind of belief. It is not merely assenting to Biblical facts as true, or adhering to certain creeds or doctrines in thought only. What Jesus refers to is a total commitment to the cause of Christ. This is a faith that works by love (Gal 5:6), it produces works (James 2:14-26), and rather than making void the law of God, it upholds it (Romans 3:31).
     Take the second amendment for example. Someone owns a firearm, and believes in the right to keep and bear arms. They see that the NRA champions their cause so they become a member, send the donations, write letters to congressmen, make phone calls, and whatever else they are asked to do. They do this because they believe in gun rights and see this organization as fighting for them. They willingly make these sacrifices because they believe in the cause!
     In a similar way Christ calls us to forsake all and follow Him. We are to seek first His kingdom and righteousness. He is Lord and requires a total commitment of all we have and are. If we truly believe this we will act upon our belief. If we say that we love Him we will obey Him because love means we are seeking the highest interest of the one we love. This is how faith works, by love. This is how we see that love is the fulfilling of the law, and why faith without works is a dead faith.
     Jesus came to save us from our sins and to remake us into a holy, peculiar people, zealous to please Him. He calls us to follow Him by faith, to love Him with an all consuming love. This love will work itself out in our prayer life, study of the word, worship, how we treat others, witnessing, and however else we can advance the kingdom of God. Are you commited to the cause?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Peter's faith.

     Another great example of faith in action is found in Matthew 14:22-32. After the feeding of the five thousand, the disciples got into a boat to cross over to Gennesaret. Jesus stayed behind to pray. As the disciples were crossing, a strong wind began to buffet the boat, making their travel very difficult. As they struggled, Jesus walked out to them on the water. When they saw Him, the disciples were filled with fear, but Jesus called out to them saying, "It is I, do not be afraid." Peter called out to Him "If it is you, tell me to come out to you on the water."  At the invitation of Jesus, Peter began to walk on the water, but as he began to look at the wind and waves around him, his faith faltered and he began to sink.
      Like Peter, we often face storms of many kinds. Life is filled with trials and temptations of everykind. However in the midst of all this we have Jesus, who will give us everything we need to face whatever situation we find ourselves in. What He askes of us is to keep our eyes fixed upon Him. When we begin to look at the world around us, our faith begins to falter and like Peter we start to sink. We must look at what is unseen, with an unshakeable faith that is based upon the word of God. God has said He will never leave us or forsake us, no temptation is greater than what we can handle, and He will provide the way of escape. Let us come boldly to the throne of grace, where we will find help in time of need.


Friday, January 7, 2011

Faith in action.

     We are given a wonderful example of how faith works in Joshua chapter three. The nation of Israel had wandered in the wilderness for forty years, and now under the leadership of Joshua, the younger generation was about to enter the promised land. What lay between Israel and the promised land however was the Jordan river. Under normal circumstances it would have been easy to cross, but at this time of year it was at flood stage. This made it very difficult, and I am sure that if there could have been another way the people would have tried that instead!
     The Lord however, told Joshua to tell the priests to go stand in the river, and when they did so the water would be cut off and the people could pass over to the other side. This would have taken faith to accomplish, as not only did the priests have to step into a flooded river, but they also had to carry the ark of the covenant with them! As they stepped in, they would have to be very careful, not only did they not want to drop the ark into the water, but they also had to be careful not to even touch the ark itself! That must have place a lot of pressure on them!
     They did as Joshua commanded them, and true to the word of the Lord, the waters were held back as the priests stood in the river and the people crossed over. This stands in sharp contrast to the refusal of the earlier generation in the days of Moses, who out of fear of the inhabitants of the land, refused to go in and take posession. What it came down to was faith in God. The first generation heard what God had said, but did not believe Him, and as a result did not obey Him. They paid a huge price. They wandered in the wilderness until they passed away, never entering the land promised to them. When the time came for their children to enter, they were once again given the opportunity to trust and obey. This time they believed God, even when it looked impossible, and entered in.
     The bible tells us that a true faith will work itself out in how we live. If we hear what God says, and believe it, we will act upon it. Like Peter walking on the water, we need to place our eyes upon Christ, and not on the storms around us. Take God at His word and follow Him!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fan the flame!

     Stir up the gift of God, which is in thee through the laying on of my hands. For God gave us not a spirit of fearfulness; but of power and love and discipline. Be not ashamed therefore of the testimony of our Lord and of me his prisoner; but suffer hardship with the gospel according to the power of God. 2 Tim 1:7b-8 RV

     I watched this morning as my wife went over to the stove and opened the door. As she moved the logs around they burst into flame once again. All that was needed was some fresh air hitting the glowing embers to get the fire going again. I added another piece of wood and now I have a huge fire burning once again.
     This reminded me of what Paul wrote to Timothy, a young man who was left in charge of the church at Ephesus. Within him lay the gift of the Holy Spirit, like a glowing ember waiting to be fanned into a great fire. With this gift of the Spirit came the power to lead, teach, and pastor, but for whatever reason, possibly fear, this gift was lying dormant. Paul wrote exhorting him to kindle afresh (NASB), fan into flame (NIV) this gift of God Himself. Timothy was to allow the Holy Spirit to burst into flames in his life. He was to be a fearless leader, teaching the truth in love, doing his part to see the church built up and growing in the knowledge of God. God had called Him and filled him, enabling him to do what he was called to do!
     I believe what Paul was asking him to do was this. He needed to look to Jesus with eyes of faith and reaffirm his commitment to be and do all that God had called Him to. With a firm resolve, he was to lead the church in the face of strong opposition, even to the point of persecution and death. Paul reminded him that fear is not of God, instead God has given us a Spirit of power, love, and self control.
     Likewise as christians we are all called and gifted in various ways. There have been and still are many examples of individuals who have stood strong in the power of the Holy Spirit, and been used mightily of God. However for each man or woman who has been faithful to the call of God, stand many who have neglected the gift within them. some may be called to be missionaries, or pastors, sunday school teachers, evangelists, we are all called to testify to the saving power of Jesus Christ! Don't let another day pass without making sure the fire of the Holy Spirit is burning in your heart! Fan the gift of God into flame! Add fuel to the fire! Be filled with the Holy Spirit today, and then walk in His power. Be salt and light in this wicked generation! Let's see our friends, families, neighbors, saved and growing in Christ! We have much work to do, but Jesus said He would be with us always.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Start the year right!

     This is the time when people make resolutions for the new year. Some will try to kick a bad habit, others will resolve to lose weight, eat healthier, etc. While many of these ideas are good, and even good for us, the one thing that matters most is our walk with God.
     Take a spiritual inventory, Paul said to examine yourselves and see if you are in the faith (2Cor 13:5). Our love for God can be weakened by the things of this world. Repent of and cast off anything that the Holy Spirit reveals as coming between you and God. Give God your all, lay all you have and are on the altar for Him to use, not only in the coming year, but for all eternity! Resolve that by the Spirit's help you will love the Lord with all your heart, soul ,mind and strength  and your neighbor as yourself. These are things that if left to ourselves, we would soon fail at. We would grow weary and give up, just like so many others do with their resolutions. However by the grace of God, we can live lives of love that please Him! Let Him be all this year!