
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The object of love.

     Love must be sincere...
                               Romans 12:9

     Love can be defined as seeking the highest good of another, for that person's sake. When we see an individual with a need that we can meet, and act upon it, out of a genuine care for that individual, that is love.
     Many people will do things for others, helping them in great ways, but their intent is not the welfare of that individual, but they stand to gain something for themselves. This is nothing but selfishness, even though on the surface it appears to be love. Many people give to charities for the tax breaks, or for public recognition. Others will do good deeds to earn favor with God, but in reality the object of love is actually self in these instances. If I do this good deed, I will gain something for it!
     Love is not self seeking, it looks out for others, puts others first, gives sacrificially, it acts out of a real heartfelt concern for the needs of others. In the sermon on the mount, Jesus touches on this concept when He warns us to do our good deeds in secret, not to be seen by men. Those who act out of pure love will have a heavenly reward. Those who act for selfish reasons have received their reward here on earth, their deeds being done out of hypocricy, do not please God at all.
     Let love be sincere! Aim at bringing glory to God, and seek the highest good of those around you!

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