
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fan the flame!

     Stir up the gift of God, which is in thee through the laying on of my hands. For God gave us not a spirit of fearfulness; but of power and love and discipline. Be not ashamed therefore of the testimony of our Lord and of me his prisoner; but suffer hardship with the gospel according to the power of God. 2 Tim 1:7b-8 RV

     I watched this morning as my wife went over to the stove and opened the door. As she moved the logs around they burst into flame once again. All that was needed was some fresh air hitting the glowing embers to get the fire going again. I added another piece of wood and now I have a huge fire burning once again.
     This reminded me of what Paul wrote to Timothy, a young man who was left in charge of the church at Ephesus. Within him lay the gift of the Holy Spirit, like a glowing ember waiting to be fanned into a great fire. With this gift of the Spirit came the power to lead, teach, and pastor, but for whatever reason, possibly fear, this gift was lying dormant. Paul wrote exhorting him to kindle afresh (NASB), fan into flame (NIV) this gift of God Himself. Timothy was to allow the Holy Spirit to burst into flames in his life. He was to be a fearless leader, teaching the truth in love, doing his part to see the church built up and growing in the knowledge of God. God had called Him and filled him, enabling him to do what he was called to do!
     I believe what Paul was asking him to do was this. He needed to look to Jesus with eyes of faith and reaffirm his commitment to be and do all that God had called Him to. With a firm resolve, he was to lead the church in the face of strong opposition, even to the point of persecution and death. Paul reminded him that fear is not of God, instead God has given us a Spirit of power, love, and self control.
     Likewise as christians we are all called and gifted in various ways. There have been and still are many examples of individuals who have stood strong in the power of the Holy Spirit, and been used mightily of God. However for each man or woman who has been faithful to the call of God, stand many who have neglected the gift within them. some may be called to be missionaries, or pastors, sunday school teachers, evangelists, we are all called to testify to the saving power of Jesus Christ! Don't let another day pass without making sure the fire of the Holy Spirit is burning in your heart! Fan the gift of God into flame! Add fuel to the fire! Be filled with the Holy Spirit today, and then walk in His power. Be salt and light in this wicked generation! Let's see our friends, families, neighbors, saved and growing in Christ! We have much work to do, but Jesus said He would be with us always.

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