
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

You must be born again.

          Do not marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born anew.'
           John 3:7 (RSV)

     Nicodemus was a religious man. Like the other Pharisees, he studied the scriptures, went to the temple, offered sacrifices, prayed, fasted, gave alms, etc. On the surface he apeared to be a righteous man. The Pharisees were zealous for the law of God, and religious traditions, some biblical and some not.
     Nicodemus came to Jesus because He knew that He had come from God (John 3:2). He was interested and wanted to visit with Him.
     It was a great shock to him when Jesus told him that to see the kingdom of God, one must be born again. He stumbled at this. All his religious training had failed to show him what lies in the heart of man, that there was no cure for a sinful heart found in traditions and mere religion. Flesh gives birth to flesh (vs 6). Ever since the fall of Adam and Eve, mankind has given birth to sinful mankind (Romans 5:12). All have sinned (Romans 3:9-23). Although alive physically, we are all spiritually dead in our trespasses and sins (Eph 2:1). Our hearts are set against God, and will not submit to Him or His laws (Romans 8:7).
     Our only hope of spiritual life is found with God. It is Spirit that gives birth to spirit. We need a radical transformation, a change from death to life. We need to be transformed from darkness to light. Selfishness and sin, to love and holiness. Traditions and religious excersises profit nothing. Church attendance, good deeds, bible reading, prayer, serve a good purpose, they are important in the life of a believer, but they will not save you!  Our hope lies with God, who through the working of the Holy Spirit, brings about a change of nature in the hearts of all who in repentance and faith cast themselves on His mercy, through Jesus Christ. Forgiveness, is not the new birth itself, although it is part of salvation. The new birth is a total makeover of the heart! If any man be in Christ he is a new creation (2 Cor 5:17). God has made us alive spiritually, while we were yet dead (Eph 2:1-6) He has delivered us from our sinful passions, in His mercy. This has been accomplished through rebirth and renewal brought about by the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:3-5).We dont't understand all of how it works, Jesus told Nicodemus that the wind blows but we can't see it. In the same manner, we can't see the actual work of the Spirit within the heart of man, but it is done none the less!
     God will not force Himself on any one. He wants the willing surrender of our hearts. He draws us and convicts us by His Spirit, yet He leaves us to choose whom we will serve. It is up to us. Will we abandon sin? Will we throw ourselves on His mercy, trusting in Him alone to forgive us based upon the finished work of Christ on our behalf? Will we give Him our hearts to cleanse and reconstruct? Are we willing to serve Him no matter the cost?  God so loved the world that He sent His Son into it, He gave of Himself for us, so that by faith in Him we might have eternal life. You must be born again!

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