
Thursday, January 27, 2011

The potential we have through Christ.

     To those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours....
                                                                              1 Peter 1:1 (RSV)

     We often tend to look at the men and women of the Bible as superhuman. We see the things that they accomplished, see the trials they faced with pererverance, see the unswerving faith they possessed, the miracles performed by this faith, etc. We tend to look at them as special people. God used them, but not us.
     In this verse Peter, a disciple of Jesus, a man who experienced much, a man who walked on water, tells us that we all stand on level ground when it comes to faith! God does not give preference to one individual over another when it comes to faith. It is true that some are given gifts of faith (1 Cor 12:9), but that is speaking of spiritual gifts used to build up the body of christ. God has gifted each of us in specific ways, to advance His kingdom.
     Just as Peter and the other Disciples had a faith that perservered, a faith that moved mountains, a faith that saw the supernatural, so we too have been given the same faith! It is up to us to walk in it, to stretch it and use it. In Hebrews 11 we read an impressive list of individuals who walked by faith. Since we are surrounded by these witnesses of faith, we are encouraged to run the race, looking to Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith (12:1-2).
      We are also given the example of Elijah (James 5:17). We are told that he was a man just like all of us. There was nothing extraordinary about him that impressed God to use him. Yet he was a man of great faith, and is held out as an example of what God can do through and individual who will trust in Him.
     Faith is taking God at His word. We might not understand it, it might seem crazy, unbelievable, impossible, yet God has said it and I will believe it! Faith acts upon this belief in the face of the seemingly impossible.
     Remember, all these individuals were only human! God can and does use like individuals today as well. He wants to use you!

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