
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Lordship of Christ.

     If You confess with your mouth "Jesus is Lord"
                                               Romans 10:9

     To confess Jesus as Lord implies much more than a mere mental assent to the fact that He is Lord. Many people will agree with this, they believe in the deity of Christ, and  in their minds they agree that He is Lord. However they lack a full understanding of what Lord means. For many Lord is just a term, another word used to refer to God. It is used in a casual manner when people speak of God, with no more respect than the term " The man upstairs."
     However Jesus is Lord! He is soveriegn over all. All thing were created by Him and for Him. We exist because of Him. He became flesh and gave Himself for us, that we might be reconciled to God1 He has a claim on each and everyone of our lives. He has full right to and demands our full allegiance to Him and His cause. To confess Him as Lord means that we agree to this! We give up the right to ourself and place ourselves under His authority! Our lives are not our own! We gladly give them to Him. To confess Him as Lord means that we will forsake all to follow Him. Anything that stands in the way of pursuing Him must go! we will obey Him with a heartfelt loyalty that spring out of love for the one that gave Himself for us. We willingly abandon sin! We now want to please Jesus!
     The Christians in Paul's day often paid for this commitment with their lives. To make a public confession of Jesus meant persecution and death To name Jesus as Lord was to deny Ceasar, who declared that he was Lord. It was no small thing to the early Christians to make this bold declaration.of Christ.  These words of Paul still carry grave weight today. What does it mean to you to declare "Jesus is Lord"?

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