
Friday, January 28, 2011

Children, a reward from the Lord.

     See that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I tell you that in heaven their angels always behold the face of my Father who is in heaven.
                                                   Matthew 18:10,11 (RSV)

     In the biblical sense, to despise someone, is to regard them as insignificant, not very important. It does not necessarily mean outright hatred or anger, often erupting in violence, but just to consider someone as insignificant means we despise that person in our hearts! Take Esau for example. He stood to inherit a blessing as the eldest son. It was his birthright, but in a moment of hunger he sold that right to his brother for a bowl of stew. We are told that he despised his birthright (Gen 25:34), it did not mean anything to him. A single meal was more important to him! This was immoral in the eyes of God (Heb 12:16).
     We see children despised in many evil ways, such as abortion, child abuse, slavery,  and in many other like ways. However our children can become victims of a more subtle form of neglect if we are not careful!
     The gospels record an instance when children were being brought to Jesus to be blessed by Him (Matt 19:13-15, Mark 10:13-16, Luke 18:15-17). The disciples of Jesus were indignant, and rebuked those bringing them. Perhaps they thought Jesus was too busy. They might have thought what they were doing was much more important. What shone through however was the fact that these children were insignificant in their eyes. Unlike these disciples, Jesus took the time to receive these children, and in fact stated that anyone who would enter the kingdom of God must receive it like a child.
     I think we, like the disciples can become too busy, the things we do can become too important, and our children get left out. While it is true that one needs to work to support his family, often a career can consume time that could be better spent with family. I understand that sometimes both parents need to work to make ends meet, but I do believe that God never intended to have both parents out of the home, and the kids in daycare. Many might not agree with this, but I believe that it is biblical to have a stay at home mom! Too many people have too work to pay down debt, pay for a vacation home, new vehicles, boats, and many other nice but unnecessary things. We have become very material minded at a great price. I once worked with a lady who held three jobs so she could pay off her vehicle, motorcycle, and insurance. Her husband worked as well. They went for days without seeing very much of each other, and their marriage failed. A high price to pay for things that are not needed.
     Simplicity is one of the blessings of the gospel! We are to be content. Our happiness is to be found in Christ.  God has blessed us with families that need us! Children need quality time with their parents. I think that it is important that we take whatever steps necesary to ensure that they receive the love and care that they deserve. If that means living with a few less "things" to free up time from a job, then do it! What is more important? We are to train up our children to love and serve God. We are to raise them in an environment where they know they are loved. The home is important in the eyes of God. The world is busy chasing careers and material things. We have better things to live for!

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