
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Start the year right!

     This is the time when people make resolutions for the new year. Some will try to kick a bad habit, others will resolve to lose weight, eat healthier, etc. While many of these ideas are good, and even good for us, the one thing that matters most is our walk with God.
     Take a spiritual inventory, Paul said to examine yourselves and see if you are in the faith (2Cor 13:5). Our love for God can be weakened by the things of this world. Repent of and cast off anything that the Holy Spirit reveals as coming between you and God. Give God your all, lay all you have and are on the altar for Him to use, not only in the coming year, but for all eternity! Resolve that by the Spirit's help you will love the Lord with all your heart, soul ,mind and strength  and your neighbor as yourself. These are things that if left to ourselves, we would soon fail at. We would grow weary and give up, just like so many others do with their resolutions. However by the grace of God, we can live lives of love that please Him! Let Him be all this year!

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