
Friday, November 18, 2011

Walking by faith.

     In 2 Peter 1:3-8, we see the key to a life lived in victory.
     1. God has given us all that we need to live godly lives.
     2. We have his promises to deliver us from this corrupt world, and to make us partakers of His divine nature.
     3. We need to walk in these promises by faith. It is not enough to merely believe that God can deliver us, we must live it in our day to day lives. The text says to make every effort to add to our faith, virtue, knowledge, self control, steadfastness, godliness, brotherly affection, and love.
     4. These things are ours if we know Christ. True knowledge of Christ is a living trust in Him. It is a submission to Him and His will. It lovingly obeys Him in everything, all the while knowing that He will give us all we need to follow Him.

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