
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Doubtful things.

     But he who has doubts is condemned, if he eats because he does not act from faith, for whatever does not proceed from faith is sin.
     Romans 14:23 (RSV).

     All of us have personal convictions that differ from person to person. Many of these things are what we would term non essential. In and of themselves these things are neither right or wrong, but because these things have become a matter of concience they become extemely important. The passage in Romans tells us that an individual who holds to his convictions, does not condemn himself by his actions, is blesssed, but one who violates his concience is condemned because he is not acting in faith.
     Like I said, we all have convictions. Sadly for many of us we hold these convictions, but do not live by them, we go against our concience daily until it no longer convicts us of sin. Many Christians do not experience the close fellowship with God that they once did. Many have lost the joy of their salvation. I think that giving in to doubtful things is one of the little foxes that destroys the vinyard of our salvation.
     This was one of the themes of the Welsh revival of the early 1900's. Evan Roberts urged revived Christians to hold to their convictions. If they had doubts about anything they needed to avoid that thing, for the sake of Christ. Charles Finney also urged Christians not to sin in doubtful matters. He devoted a lecture in his "Lectures to Professing Christians" to this topic. The Apostle Paul wrote to the church at Corinth as well, urging them not to put a stumbling block in the path of another. An individual who's concience is bothered by what he sees another doing, can make shipwreck of his faith if he does the same.
     This is an important issue that is rarely preached on today in this me first anything goes world. Hold to your convictions, be faithful in the doubtful things, and look out for each other, not wanting to hinder anyone from walking with Christ!

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