
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Character formation.

     And not only this, but we rejoice in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance proven character; and proven character hope.
     Romans 5:3,4 (NASB).

     Consider it all joy my bretheren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.  And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
     James 1:2-4 (NASB).


     It is during times of stress that our true character is revealed. Many individuals think they are doing pretty good in their christian walk, but fall to pieces under pressure. Many a temper has been lost in traffic jams, unkind words have been exchanged in heated moments, faith has been abandoned in times of extreme crisis. Yet there are those who weather lifes storms with grace. They are always cheerful. They never complain. They are thankful in all situations. They never lose their tempers. These individuals only grow stronger under pressure.
     The bible tells us that times of trial are when we form our character. These are the times when we are faced with the hard choices. It is easy to live what we consider good christian lives when things are going good, but quite another thing to do so when we are under pressure.
     This is the trying of our faith. We can fail, or take the opportunity to do the right thing. This is an act of faith in Christ, who has given us everything we need for life and godliness. As we begin to weather trials we become consistent, steadfast. This in turn becomes our character, who we really are deeep inside.  Peter says that as we add self control to our faith we become patient, leading to godliness (2Peter 1:6).  James says that if we let patience work in our lives, we become complete, whole, the person that god wants us to be.
     We all face times of trial, the choice is ours. Will we allow our faith to fail, or will we take the opportunity to grow?

1 comment:

  1. Last summer, busted up and discouraged from a construction accident that left me with a broken femur, foot and back the passage from James 1 was a conviction for me.
    I did not find my circumstances "pure joy".
    It was not until I was healing and some what back to normal did I realize what these trials had done for me.
    Thank you Lord for this experience that strengthened my faith, gave me memories of all the love poured out on me.
    I now considered this trial "pure joy".
