
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Greater works.

     Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I go to the Father.
    John 14:12 (RSV).

     This is one of those verses in scripture that we as pentecostals affirm. We believe that the God who worked miracles in the past is the same today. We believe that he still heals, and we believe that He still works through spiritual gifts to build up the church. This is one of those verses that will get a hearty amen everytime it is quoted in a church that believes these things.
     However it is one thing to give a mental assent to these things as being true, and quite another to experience them. The verse quoted states that he who believes will do the works Christ did, even greater works. In Mark 16:17 we read that signs will follow those who believe. True biblical belief involves taking up the cause of Christ. It is an identification with Him and His will. It involves the giving up of ourselves, our plans and agendas, and surrendering ourselves to Him completely. Christ has ascended to the Father and the Holy Spirit has been given to the church. As we are emptied of self, and filled with the Spirit the greater works will flow from our lives. No where do we find scriptural backing for theology that claims the age of miracles has passed. It is true that we are not to seek after signs and wonders, and it is also true that there are a lot of strange things being passed off as miracles. It is also true that God desires to heal the sick, convict the sinner, and work in and through His church with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

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