
Monday, February 28, 2011

Be transformed!

     David made a commitment to set no worthless thing before his eyes (Psalm 101:3).  There is very little value in what we have as entertainment in our world today, yet people mindlessly sit and watch the tv for hours at a time. We too often let our kids sit and watch kids programs without rerally looking to see what it is they are watching.
     Much of what passes for wholesome childrens shows is full of new age, sorcery, magic, violence,  and way too much drama. Even sexual themes are often brought in to what we think are safe shows for children.
     Sadly many in the church do not take a stand in the home when it comes to what we watch, or what we let our kids watch. We go with the flow, just like the world around us. We have been conformed to the world around us! What we need to do is be transformed. Our mindsets need to be changed. We need to immerse ourselves in the word of God. If we go to His word with a desire to know the truth, with a desire to apply what we hear, God will show us how to live! What we see in the scriptures will go against many of the things that we do. It will go against much of what we believe is ok, but as Christians we must stand out and be different from the world around us. We are God's chosen people, set apart for Him. We are a city set on a hill. Instead of letting the world impact us, let's impact the world for Christ!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The light of the world.

     You are the light of the world, a city set on a hill cannot be hid. Nor do men light a lamp and put it under a bushel, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
     (Matt 5:14-16 RSV)

     Far to often we see the church become like the world around it. This happened with Israel over and over again. God had called them out to be separate from the culture around them. They were a pure people, set apart to worship the true God, to be a light to the nations around them. Others were supposed to see them as they served God, they were supposed to see what it was like to be the chosen people of God, the difference that God could make in the life of a nation, and desire it for themselves. However they soon interminglede with the other nations, adopted their practices, and began to worship their gods. They still held to the worship of God, but it was empty and meaningless, a mere formality. Instead of being a light to thoise around them, they became just like everyone else, walking in darkness!
     In this passage, Jesus has just spoken of the persecution awaiting all those who will follow Him. He then goes on to say You are the salt of the earth, You are the light of the world! Just as everyone is able to see a city on a hill, so we as christians cannot be hidden either. It would be foolish to light a lamp just to cover it up. In the same way, as christians, we have the light of Christ shining in our hearts. We have been called to be God's peculiar people, set apart from the world around us. To shine for Him as we serve Him, going against the grain of the culture around us. People are supposed to see what God has done for us, and desire it for themselves. That is why we are not to be conformed to the practices of this world! That is just like covering up the light. When the world looks at us they should be able to see something different.
     Jesus goes to show how the teachers of the law in His day had found loopholes, and twisted the law so that it was okay not to obey it. He assured everyone that God's law was still to be followed, and then went on to explain the true spirit of that same law.
     How often we cast of morality, and adopt the practices of the world. This should not be. We are God's chosen people, set apart to be like Christ in our conduct. We are to be Holy, pleasing to God in all we do. Paul told the church in Rome to stop being conformed to this world. Instead they were to be transformed as they renewed their minds. We also need to view all we see around us by the lens of the word of God. It is too easy to just go with the flow, but it is also detrimental to our spiritual life, as well as to the spiritual well being of those around us. The world is looking at the church. If you claim to follow Christ, the world is looking at you. What do they see? Just as a lighthouse keeper has a responsibility to warn ships of danger, we have the same responsibility to warn souls of danger. The lighthouse keeper would be in trouble if he failed to shine a light in the darkness, so we too must never allow the light within us to be covered.

Monday, February 21, 2011


     We all face trials of every kind. Many people are facing hard times financially. Jobs can be hard to find, and unexpected expenses can be devastating. Others face health problems, or marital problems. As Christians we face trials and temptations everyday. Our lives can become filled with stress and worry, which does nothing to fix our problems, and only seems to compound them!
     We are told in Psalm 55:22 to cast our burden on the Lord, and He will sustain us. Now many of us will pray about our problems without giving them to God. We fret and worry, so we pray. We fret and worry while we pray, and when we are done we are still fretting! A friend of mine once said that God had been dealing with him about praying in fear. His prayer was filled with as much fear and worry as the time he spent not in prayer. God was leading him down the road of faith, teaching him to let go of the burden.
     To cast our burden upon the Lord means to give it to Him. The Hebrew idea behind our word "cast" is to roll. We are to take our burden and to roll it upon the Lord. When we have done this it is no longer our burden, it belongs to Him. It is His, not ours! If it is not ours why worry? However God chooses to deal with the issue is up to Him! He might deal with it in a way that we would like, or He might not. That is up to Him, He is in control, and we have just given Him our burden. Regardless of what happens He will sustain us. He will not allow the righteous to be moved! When we trust in Him with an unwavering faith there is no room for worry. It cannot exist when we are settled down on a firm foundation of faith. It is faith that pleases God. what is not of faith is sin (Rom 14:23), and without faith it is impossible to please Him (Heb 11:6). Jesus tells us not to worry. We are unable to change anything by worry! It is the cares and worries of this life that choke out the word of God! Worry actually exposes an attitude of unbelief! James says when we ask, we are to ask in faith, no doubting! He who doubts is like the surging sea, filled with instability! that kind of individual should expect NOTHING from the Lord! Those are some very sobering words, but they are the inspired words of God, and we do well to heed them.
     What it comes down to is this. We have a God who is all knowing, all powerful, and Her loves us. He has already given us His Son, He will surely watch over us for good. He is pledged to provide for us as we seek His kingdom and righteousness first. He is working all things for our good. Sometimes our idea of what is good for us is different from God's idea, but He has our best interest in mind as we go through lifes trials.We need to take our burdens to the only one that can deal with them, and then in faith, a faith based upon the word of God, and placed in God, let them go. He will see us through!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


     I have said this to you, that in me you may have peace
                                                                        -John 16:33 (RSV)

     The complete Jewish Bible by David H. Stern defines the Hebrew word Shalom as follows:
      Peace, tranquillity, safety, well-being, welfare, health, contentment, success, comfort, wholeness and 
      integrity. "Shalom!" is a common greeting.

     The Jewish people in Jesus' day would greet one another with "Shalom." In doing this they wished others to be blessed, much as we would say "God bless you" or " I wish you well".  We all desire to be at peace, to be blessed with good health, to be successful, to be content, and to walk in integrity.
      In the natural, we believe that we need to be successful, we need to be healthy, safe, things have to be going well, before we are at peace. We feel incomplete, so we pursue what we believe will make us whole, all the while contentment stays just out of reach.
     True peace is realized in Christ alone. True contentment is found in our satisfaction with Christ, finding Him as our all in all. Nothing else matters but knowing Him. All of our desires pale in comparison to the desire we have for Him. This was Paul's secret. Wealth, or poverty, hardships, or easy going, made no difference to Him. The end he lived for was Christ.
     Tranquillity, even joy, is the result of an unwavering faith in Christ that perserveres even in the middle of the severest trials. Knowing that God is in control, that all things work out for our good, can keep us in peace even though lifes storms blow all around us. Paul and Silas could sing at midnight deep in a dungeon, The Apostles could rejoice after a beating, because they lived for no other purpose than to glorify God, and trusted Him with a faith that could not be shaken!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Walk by the Spirit.

      In the seventh chapter of Romans, we are shown the futility of self effort, trying to do right in our own strength. Many people will try to reform their conduct in an effort to please God. They know what they ought to do, and out of fear they attempt to change, but being selfish at heart they soon fail and revert back to sinful behavior.  Even Christians can begin in the Spirit, but find themselves struggling in the flesh, trying to live an overcoming life in their own strength. A battle rages within us. The flesh opposes the Spirit, and the Spirit the flesh (Gal 5:17).  Left to ourselves we find  that we know what is right, we want to do what is right, we try to do what is right, but our flesh wins out. Apart from Christ we can do nothing!
     Paul asked the painful question "Who will deliver me from this body of sin and death?", and then answers it "Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord" . Romans 8 is the chapter of the victorious Christian. In it we see that the key to victory is to live in the power of the Holy Spirit. The requirements of the law are fulfilled in those who walk by the Spirit. The mind set on the Spirit is life and peace, the mind set on the flesh is death. The mind set on the flesh is in oposition to God. It will not and cannot submit to Him because it is in rebellion to Him.
     Those who walk in the Spirit (order their lives by, live in submission to) will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh (Gal 5:16,18,25). In fact the opposite will be true. Their lives will be filled with the fruit of the Spirit,(vs 22,23), the moral requirements of the law will be lived out in those who follow the Spirit's leading (Romans 8:4). It is through the power of the Holy Spirit that we are to put to death sin in our lives (vs 13). Those who are led by the Spirit, are the sons of God (vs 14).
     This is not to say we will never fall, we will never face temptation, the battle is over. The scriptures warn us to take heed that we do not fall. When we get comfortable and begin to feel safe, we are in danger (1 Cor 10:12). throughout the scriptures we are told to be alert, stand guard, watch, pray, resist, stand firm, etc. Paul watched himself lest after he preached the gospel to others he would be found castaway! We face the battle everyday. Temptations are very real. The possibility of sin, and falling remain, but our strength is found in Christ. We must make the choice to follow the Spirit. We must walk His way, in His strength, setting our minds on things above, not on the things of this earth. We have died, and our lives are hid with Christ in God (Col 3:1-3). Those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its desires (Gal 5:24). Count yourselves as dead to sin and alive to God (Rom 6:11). In Christ we have everything we need to live in victory!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The power of the gospel.

     Acts 17:1-10 records Paul's visit to Thessalonica. He found the Jewish synagogue there, and began to reason with them. Using the scriptures, he proved the resurrection and Lordship of Christ. Many of the Jews believed, as well as many of the Greeks. Pauls stay was cut short by some trouble makers, and he was forced to leave sooner than he would have liked to.
     Paul was concerned about these new believers. He was concerned that they would remain faithful to Christ through the persecution and testing that they would now face. He was concerned that they would stand firm in times of temptation. He had only been there a short time, they were new converts, just babes in Christ.
     All of Pauls concerns are recorded in 1 Thessalonians. It also records that he sent Timothy to visit them, to find out how they were doing. We are told that Timothy found them doing well (3:6), in fact this group of believers had become an example to others throughout the region of Macedonia and Achaia, in fact their testimony had gone forth everywhere (1:7-10).
     These people had truly encountered the risen Christ. They were newly saved, but powerfuly transformed. They turned from their idols to serve God. There was no mixing of the old with the new, no keeping some old customs from their former idolotry, no holding on to some secret sin, no secret salvation, no fear of man when faced with persecution. They had been radically changed.
      The Gospel came to these people in the power of the Holy Spirit (1:3), not merely in word only, but in convicting, life changing power. It was received as the very word of God (2:13), and allowed to work by those who received it.
     The gospel is the power of God unto salvation. By it we are reconciled to God, brought into union with Him, and made new. It is a complete overhaul of our lives. Thousands can testify of God's deliverance from alcohol, drugs, anger, sexual immorality, etc. People who once lived for themselves, their minds set on gratifying their lusts, have been changed into people who set their hearts on pleasing God, and by following the Spirit, now overcome their former way of life and instead live lives pleasing to God (Gal 5:16-24).
     Sadly, too many settle for an easy faith without turning from sin. They hold a form of godliness, but deny the power that the gospel holds forth. Many live in continued rebellion against God, still living life for themselves. This however, is not the picture of salvation that is presented in the word of God. Jesus gave Himself to save us from this present evil age (Gal 1:4). It is a new life that we are given!

Friday, February 4, 2011

What will you do with the Word?

     But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.
     -Matt 13:23 (KJV)

     But be ye doer of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
     -James 1:22 (KJV)

     What we do with the word of God has eternal consequences. Jesus told a parable in Matthew 13, about a man sowing seed. The seed fell on various types of ground, with different results in each type. Seed on hard ground did not even germinate. They lay on the surface and were eaten by the birds. Other seed fell among rocks. They managed to sprout, but without much soil they soon withered in the hot sunlight. Others fell among weeds. As the plants grew, the weeds choked them out. There was some seed however that fell on good soil, matured, and produced an abundant crop.
     Jesus likened this to people who hear the word. Some have hard hearts. They do not understand the word, and what was sown in his heart is taken away by Satan. The natural man will not receive the things of God. He does not understand, it is foolishness to him (1 Cor 2:14). The god of this age blinds the minds of the unbelieving (2 Cor 4:4). Those who reject truth, open themselves up to further deception ( 2 Thess 2:10-12).
     Many people when they hear the word, receive it, but their commitment is shallow. They fall away in times of trouble and persecution. They would rather disobey God, than face the ridicule of man. It is easy to claim to be a christian when things are going well, but the true test of faith comes in the crucible. What will we do when times are tough? Will we stand firm in trials? What about persecution? Jesus said "He who endures to the end will be saved" (Matt 24:13)!
     Others received the word, and grew, but the cares of the world took over. Jesus warns us in Matthew 6, to not become concerned about the everyday neccesities of life. We are to be about His business. He will provide us with what we need. Worry will take our minds of of God and His word, and instead our minds will be filled with what concerns us. Many people drift away from the word, drawn away by the pursuit of material things. The things that consume our time, thoughts, energy, are the things that we treasure!
     What God desires for us is that His word finds receptive hearts. Hearts that will take the word and apply it. His word is a living active word, and will profit us nothing if not mixed with faith. His word is made real to us by the work of the Holy Spirit. By the Spirit we are able to hear what God is saying to us. We need to believe it with a faith that acts upon what it believes.
      Many people spend time in front of the mirror everyday, getting ready to go out in the public. The mirror shows them how they look, helping them to clean, shave etc. The purpose of the mirror is to make shure that everything looks good before going out. The word of God functions in the same way. It shows us how we look spiritually. We see what we look like, and what we need to do to honor God. It would be foolish for someone to see their dirty face in a mirror and just go off to work without another thought! This is what James is saying to us when he tells us to be doers of the word, not merely hearers.
     There are many people who read, study, and even teach the scriptures, but fail to obey what they believe to be true. Such a one is self deceived. Jesus warned the disciples after the parable of the sower to be careful how they heard! What He meant was that it is not enough to learn the great truths of God's word, it must be lived out on a daily basis.
     The word of God sown in a receptive heart gew, perservered, and produced a bountiful crop, and this is what God desires of each one of us.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cleansed by the Word; part 2

     Christ, out of love for us, gave of Himself to save and sanctify us. He desires a holy people, unspotted by the world (Eph 5:25-27). The Word of God is the means by which we are cleansed (vs 26).
      9. How shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed and keeping watch [on himself] according to your word [conforming his life to it].
     10. With my whole heart have I sought you, inquiring for and of you and yearning for you: oh, let me not wander or step aside [either in ignorance or willfuly] from your commandments. [2 Chron. 15:15.].
     11. Your word have I laid up in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
                        Psalm 119:9-11 (AMP)
     God's word is God's message to us. in it we find what pleases Him, and what does not. We are shown the way to life and peace, and also the way of sin and destruction. God has set before us life. There is blessing in following His word. In the midst of a chaotic world, those who love God and follow His laws, have stability (Matt 7:24,25).
     God has created us to be a holy people set apart from the world, to proclaim Him. We are to shine as lights in this crooked world (Phil 2:15). We see in His word how we can do this.
     It is not enough to merely read it, to understand it, but we also need to apply it in our daily lives. We must obey it. We battle the world, flesh, and devil, daily. We need, like the psalmist, to cry out to God for strength. We are dependent on
Him for the grace to overcome, but He who has called us to holy living, is faithful to establish us in it (1Thess 5:23,24).
     We need to treasure God's word. Not merely because it is fascinating to study, but because it is God's word! Just like we treasure love letters from someone we love and maybe will not see for a while, so God's word is His letter of love to us. The idea of storing up God's word is like someone who is storing a treasure. God's word is a treasure beyond value. We need not only to memorize it, but to meditate on it, pray over it as we study it, and as we understand it, live it.
     As we live our lives, conforming them to the word of God, we will find them greatly changed. We will find ourselves living in opposition to the world, and the eyes of others will be on us! We must be ready to give an answer to all who ask us what is different about us! We are to be lights in this world, letting others see our lives lived in purity before Christ, so that they to will come to Christ and glorify Him (Matt 5:16).
     The word of God is a great cleanser! It shows us the dirt and grime, and as we follow it, we find that we do not pick up the dirt and grime as well!