
Monday, February 28, 2011

Be transformed!

     David made a commitment to set no worthless thing before his eyes (Psalm 101:3).  There is very little value in what we have as entertainment in our world today, yet people mindlessly sit and watch the tv for hours at a time. We too often let our kids sit and watch kids programs without rerally looking to see what it is they are watching.
     Much of what passes for wholesome childrens shows is full of new age, sorcery, magic, violence,  and way too much drama. Even sexual themes are often brought in to what we think are safe shows for children.
     Sadly many in the church do not take a stand in the home when it comes to what we watch, or what we let our kids watch. We go with the flow, just like the world around us. We have been conformed to the world around us! What we need to do is be transformed. Our mindsets need to be changed. We need to immerse ourselves in the word of God. If we go to His word with a desire to know the truth, with a desire to apply what we hear, God will show us how to live! What we see in the scriptures will go against many of the things that we do. It will go against much of what we believe is ok, but as Christians we must stand out and be different from the world around us. We are God's chosen people, set apart for Him. We are a city set on a hill. Instead of letting the world impact us, let's impact the world for Christ!

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