
Saturday, February 12, 2011

The power of the gospel.

     Acts 17:1-10 records Paul's visit to Thessalonica. He found the Jewish synagogue there, and began to reason with them. Using the scriptures, he proved the resurrection and Lordship of Christ. Many of the Jews believed, as well as many of the Greeks. Pauls stay was cut short by some trouble makers, and he was forced to leave sooner than he would have liked to.
     Paul was concerned about these new believers. He was concerned that they would remain faithful to Christ through the persecution and testing that they would now face. He was concerned that they would stand firm in times of temptation. He had only been there a short time, they were new converts, just babes in Christ.
     All of Pauls concerns are recorded in 1 Thessalonians. It also records that he sent Timothy to visit them, to find out how they were doing. We are told that Timothy found them doing well (3:6), in fact this group of believers had become an example to others throughout the region of Macedonia and Achaia, in fact their testimony had gone forth everywhere (1:7-10).
     These people had truly encountered the risen Christ. They were newly saved, but powerfuly transformed. They turned from their idols to serve God. There was no mixing of the old with the new, no keeping some old customs from their former idolotry, no holding on to some secret sin, no secret salvation, no fear of man when faced with persecution. They had been radically changed.
      The Gospel came to these people in the power of the Holy Spirit (1:3), not merely in word only, but in convicting, life changing power. It was received as the very word of God (2:13), and allowed to work by those who received it.
     The gospel is the power of God unto salvation. By it we are reconciled to God, brought into union with Him, and made new. It is a complete overhaul of our lives. Thousands can testify of God's deliverance from alcohol, drugs, anger, sexual immorality, etc. People who once lived for themselves, their minds set on gratifying their lusts, have been changed into people who set their hearts on pleasing God, and by following the Spirit, now overcome their former way of life and instead live lives pleasing to God (Gal 5:16-24).
     Sadly, too many settle for an easy faith without turning from sin. They hold a form of godliness, but deny the power that the gospel holds forth. Many live in continued rebellion against God, still living life for themselves. This however, is not the picture of salvation that is presented in the word of God. Jesus gave Himself to save us from this present evil age (Gal 1:4). It is a new life that we are given!

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