
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cleansed by the Word; part 2

     Christ, out of love for us, gave of Himself to save and sanctify us. He desires a holy people, unspotted by the world (Eph 5:25-27). The Word of God is the means by which we are cleansed (vs 26).
      9. How shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed and keeping watch [on himself] according to your word [conforming his life to it].
     10. With my whole heart have I sought you, inquiring for and of you and yearning for you: oh, let me not wander or step aside [either in ignorance or willfuly] from your commandments. [2 Chron. 15:15.].
     11. Your word have I laid up in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
                        Psalm 119:9-11 (AMP)
     God's word is God's message to us. in it we find what pleases Him, and what does not. We are shown the way to life and peace, and also the way of sin and destruction. God has set before us life. There is blessing in following His word. In the midst of a chaotic world, those who love God and follow His laws, have stability (Matt 7:24,25).
     God has created us to be a holy people set apart from the world, to proclaim Him. We are to shine as lights in this crooked world (Phil 2:15). We see in His word how we can do this.
     It is not enough to merely read it, to understand it, but we also need to apply it in our daily lives. We must obey it. We battle the world, flesh, and devil, daily. We need, like the psalmist, to cry out to God for strength. We are dependent on
Him for the grace to overcome, but He who has called us to holy living, is faithful to establish us in it (1Thess 5:23,24).
     We need to treasure God's word. Not merely because it is fascinating to study, but because it is God's word! Just like we treasure love letters from someone we love and maybe will not see for a while, so God's word is His letter of love to us. The idea of storing up God's word is like someone who is storing a treasure. God's word is a treasure beyond value. We need not only to memorize it, but to meditate on it, pray over it as we study it, and as we understand it, live it.
     As we live our lives, conforming them to the word of God, we will find them greatly changed. We will find ourselves living in opposition to the world, and the eyes of others will be on us! We must be ready to give an answer to all who ask us what is different about us! We are to be lights in this world, letting others see our lives lived in purity before Christ, so that they to will come to Christ and glorify Him (Matt 5:16).
     The word of God is a great cleanser! It shows us the dirt and grime, and as we follow it, we find that we do not pick up the dirt and grime as well!

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