
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The revelation of God.

     The heavens declare the glory of God.........
                                                                       (Psalm 19:1a)
     From the very beginning God has desired to have an intimate relationship with man. This can be seen from the very beginning of the world's history, when God used to walk with Adam and Eve in the cool of the evening. Sin , of course destroyed the intimacy that they shared. However that does not alter the fact that God desires that all mankind would come to know Him.
     We are told in Psalm 19, that the very creation itself shows us that there is a God. Paul expands on this theme in Romans 1:19, 20. He states that what may be known about God has been made plain to mankind through creation.God's invisible attributes, His eternal power, and divine nature are clearly seen in what He has created. The only right response to this revelation is to worship God with grateful hearts for who He is, the only, all powerful God. Sadly what man has chosen to worship is the creation instead, inventing a God of their own thinking, made to satisfy their own idea of what God should be like. This is what makes belief in the biblical account of creation so vital. The Bible says it is by faith we believe that God created the universe out of nothing (Heb 11:3). To reject this in favor of evolution or the big bang theory is to reject the revelation of God, in effect God himself. It is to elevate the creature above the creator (Romans 1:25).
     In my next post, I will discuss another aspect of God's revelation of Himself to man, the moral law.


  1. I agree. Evidence of God exist through His creation if people will take time to see it. How can we miss it if we have ever witnessed a baby being born?

  2. I have been there through three births, and couldn't agree more. It is an amazing thing. Even seeing the ultra sounds and hearing the heart beat speaks of God, and the sanctity of life. The passage in Romans that I refered to shows how deceitful the human heart really is, How when confronted with all the evidence of God, whether in creation, His word, His law, etc. The heart rejects the truth for a lie. I would call that insanity! This is all part of Pauls argument that all mankind is lost and needs a savior.
