
Thursday, November 25, 2010

God's revelation in His law.

     The law of the Lord is perfect.....
                                                           Psalm 19:7a

     We find that God has made a fuller revelation to man through the law. The holiness of God can be seen in the moral law, as found in the ten commandments.(Romans 7:12). In Psalm 119, the writer reflects upon the law and how wonderful it is. The goodness of the law is a direct reflection of the righteousness of the lawgiver Himself (vs.137).
     The law also reveals to us the fact that God alone is to be worshiped, and that is to be done in spirit and truth, not through the making of images. The one and only God is not to be made in the image of our vain invention.
     We can also see that He is love, and desires us to love each other. The law can be summed up in two commands, to love  God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love our nieghbor as ourself. The golden rule sums it up well; treat others as you want them to treat you. Love is the fulfillment of the law.
      The  law is what shows us our fallen state, as it is through the law that the knowledge of sin becomes evident. Romans 7 is an excellent example of how the law works to drive us to Christ. We are made aware of what the law requires, and in our attempts to conform to it we become painfully aware that we have fallen short of it. The harder we try, the more we can see that we have failed. In fact we find ourselves sinning all the more! Our only hope is Christ!
    The moral law can be found throughout the scriptures, old testament, as well as the new. Just like the Jewish people of old, we who have the advantage of the Bible in our homes, and attending church where the word is proclaimed, are held accountable to the law, as we have seen it and heard it. Those who have never heard, are still accountable however, as the law has been written on their hearts(Romans 2:14-15). God has made sure that He is revealed to all, in one way or another, and has put a conscience into each one of us, that knows right from wrong. It is intereting to find out that people living in remote areas who have never seen a Bible, or heard the gospel message, still base the laws governing their communities on the ten commandments.
     Next post, I would like to discuss the written revelation of God.

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