
Monday, November 22, 2010

Living sacrifices.

      In sunday shool yesterday, we were discussing some of the individuals who God has used in mighty ways in times past. Men like the Wesleys, Finney, Smith Wigglesworth etc. The question was posed, " Why don't we see God moving like that in our churches today?" The same individual who posed it, answered it by asking " Is it because we have gotten so busy in our daily lives? Our days have become so cluttered with everything we get involved in." As she was commenting on this, I was reminded of what the Apostle Paul said to Timothy, "No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs-he wants to please his commanding officer (2Tim 2:4 NIV). As born again individuals, we are in an army, God's army! We are to be about His business, advancing His kingdom, fighting the good fight in His name and strength! What these men had in common was this. They lived for God and God alone. Everything they did was for Him and His glory. Nothing else mattered to them, only that God would be exalted. It is said that Smith Wigglesworth read nothing but the Bible, and never talked about anything but spiritual things. Many would say that he was so heavenly minded that he was no earthly good, but take a look at what God did through him!
     The comment was made that if we truly chose to live for God and do everything for His glory, and in His name, it would change much of what we did, eliminating much of the clutter in our lives. This is what Paul urges in Romans 12:1, the giving of ourselves entirely to God and His service. This is the crucified life that Paul speaks of in Galatians 2:20. This surrendured life is where the power of God is found. We may not all be called to be a Finney, Moody, Wesley, or Wigglesworth, but we are all called to something in Christ Jesus! Let's get uncluttered!

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