
Friday, December 2, 2011

Prayer, a measurement of Spiritual life.

     In Luke 18,  Jesus teaches that in prayer we must be persistent. We need to pray with an intensity and fervor that does not give up. He closes this lesson by asking the question "When the Son of Man returns, will He find faith on the earth?".
     Where there is spiritual life there will be fervent prayer. There will be the kind of prayer that seeks God and the interests of His kingdom. There will be prayer that hangs on without giving up, until the answer comes. True prayer is kindled in the heart by the Holy Spirit. Where the Spirit is present there will be prayer, deep intense prayer.
     There is a lot of praying going on, shallow empty prayers, selfish prayers, prayers that do not expect to be answered. E.M Bounds stated that all the unanswered prayers could more than fill up the earths oceans. I heard of one minister who got in his prayer time while brushing his teeth in the morning. He was just too busy to find anyother time. This is the case with so many today. Too busy to pray, content to send up a few prayers now and then when it is convenient, or when something important comes up. This is not the kind of faith that Christ desires to find in us.
     When He returns will He find true faith in you?

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