
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Three things we have in Christ.

     In Revelation 1:9, John mentions three things that those who are in Christ share.
     1. Tribulation. Those who are truly united to Christ, and take a stand for Him, will suffer for it. Jesus stated that if He was persecuted, we will be as well. Paul states that those who desire to be godly in Christ will be persecuted.
     As well as persecution, we all face temptation as well. The battle for our souls does not end once we begin to follow Christ, in fact, this is where it really begins. We need to stand firm in Christ knowing that He will provide the way of escape.
     We will face trials of everykind. It is through the testing of our faith that we are refined, and have patience produced in us. All things work for the good of those who love the Lord.

     2. We have a kingdom. Those in Christ have a kingdom that is not of this world. We belong to the kingdom of heaven. Christ is our Lord and King. We follow the kingdom laws based on love to God, and love to our neighbor. This kingdom resides in each one of us through the presence of the Holy Spirit. It is a kingdom of power and victory. Victory over sin and temptation, and power to fulfill all that God has called us to do. While we live on this earth, we eagerly await the appearance of Christ, who will take His rightful place of authority for all eternity.

     3. Endurance. In Christ we have everything we need for life and godliness. We do not need to fall. The true believer overcomes whatever comes his or her way. It is through faith in the risen Christ that we walk in victory. The same power that raised Christ from the dead is at work in us. Jesus is able to keep us from stumbling, and to present us faultless before God the Father.  Trials only make us stronger. Those who truly know and follow Christ will endure to the end and be saved.

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