
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

On Fire.

     Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor; not lagging behind in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord;
     Romans 12:10,11 NASB

     The Christian life as portrayed in the New Testament is a life poured out in love to others. We are called to seek the highest good of those around us. Included in this is witnessing, making disciples, our giving, meeting the needs of others, hospitality, forgiving, promoting peace, prayer, etc.
     We are to be diligent. This is a concept that is often overlooked. To be diligent is to make every effort to do what we have been called to do. Diligence is not half hearted. It means we throw ourselves entirely into what we are doing. The idea behind a fervent spirit is that of being white hot, on fire, consumed by our love for God and others. This is the opposite of an unwilling spirit that may make an effort, but with no heart. The Church at Ephesus was a hard working Church. Their accomplishments far exceed much of what we see in the modern Church today, yet they were rebuked for their lack of love (Rev 2:1-7).
     Many Christians begin only to burn out. The cares of life crowd in, discouragement, a critical spirit, can dampen our love and leave us frustrated with serving Christ. I believe discouragement is common among Christian workers, causing many to give up.
     Jesus told His disciples to be His witnesses, but He also told them to wait until they were empowered by the Holy Spirit. The work that they were called to was impossible to be done by mere human effort. It is the work of the Holy Spirit, and can only be accomplished as we allow the Holy Spirit to fill us and work through us. It is the Holy Spirit who enables us to be diligent. The same Spirit sets our spirits ablaze with a holy zeal that cannot be quenched as long as we stay yielded to His control.
     The individual filled with the Spirit of God will find that his heart is filled with love for others. He will find his prayers filled with a new life. He will bear witness of Christ with power, for it is not mere human words spoken, but words filled with the convicting power of the Holy Spirit.
     This is the needful thing for the Church today, to leave human effort behind, and live and move in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said that apart from Him we can do nothing. We need the power to accomplish the job we are called to do. In view of what God has done for us, we must present ourselves completely to Him for His service (Romans 12:1). When He has all of us, we are filled with Him. He will not settle for half, three fourths, or even ninety nine percent. He demands all, body soul and spirit, to be used by Him and for Him. Do we have the right to give Him any less?
     Only when filled will we be able to live a life of diligent service to the Lord!

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