
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Count the cost!

     In Luke's gospel, chapter 10:57-62, three individuals encounter Christ and desire to follow Him. It may strike some as strange, but Jesus seems to discourage them instead of gathering them in. The first man declared his willingness to follow Christ wherever He went. Jesus replied that animals and birds had better sleeping conditions than He did. Jesus called to the second individual to follow Him. This man replied that he had to bury his father first. Jesus told him to let the dead bury the dead, his business was to proclaim the kingdom of God! The third also desired to follow, but first wanted to say good-by to family. Jesus' answer to him seems to imply that this individual's heart was still on earthly things.
     There are many individuals like the first one. They profess a desire to seve Christ. They say they will go anywhere, and do anything that He desires, but they fail to perceive what it really means to follow Christ. Jesus told His disciples that He would be arrested, mistreated and killed, but He would rise on the third day. He then told them that whoever would follow Him must likewise deny himself, take up his cross and follow Him. There can be nocompromise. To keep silent to save our lives or reputation is to be ashamed of Christ, and if we are ashamed of Him, He will be ashamed of us! Many, like Peter, are quick to say "I will suffer for Christ, even to the point of death", but Peter found himself denying Christ when faced with danger.
     The cost of following Christ is great. To follow Him will cost us everything. We are not our own. All that we have, all that we are, belong to Him. Those who live for Him will find themselves faced with choices between family, friends, money, possessions, time, jobs,etc, daily. Many think that they can add a relationship with Christ to their already busy lives. They allow their interests to dictate their Christianity, when in reality our commitment to Christ must dictate our daily lives.
     Jesus said to count the cost. He wants us to understand what it means to truly follow Him. To follow Him will bring persecution, even death. Are we willing? To follow Him may mean the loss of family or friends. He calls us to proclaim His kingdom; are we willing to be a witness? The Christian life is one of pouring ourselves into the lives of others. Do we want to do this? Christ will lead us down paths that run contrary to the world. He will lead us into situations where we have no one to turn to but Him. Will we still follow? He calls us to give up sin. Many professed believers cling to "habits" that they know are wrong, claiming that it is to hard to give up, they just can't do it. If a small habit keeps you bound, how can you say you would be willing to die for Christ?
     Those who will count the cost, and make the firm decision to follow Jesus, will find that His grace is sufficient for each and every situation He leads us through. There is no trial or temptation that is too much for the one who firmly trusts in Christ.
     He says to you "Follow Me!"

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