
Thursday, March 3, 2011

The narrow road.

     Enter through the narow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matt 7:13,14 (NIV)

     Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdome of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Matt 7:22 (NIV)

     The scriptures contain warnings that we do well to heed. Unlike the easy belief, easy Christianity, that so many profess, Jesus makes it very clear that it is a hard road. Many people claim to be Christians, they may have said a prayer, they say they believe in Christ, they believe He died for them, and trust Him to forgive them. Jesus said that many are on the broad road to destruction. There are many who believe that they are on the way to heaven, but in reality they are decieved. Jesus is not speaking about individuals who have no interest in spiritual things, people who just do not care at all about God, or deny His existence; He is speaking about people who actually believe they know Him, people who think they are saved. The broad road is full of individuals who think they are ok, when in reality they are not!
      In the same text Jesus tells us to watch out for false prophets. They look good and sound good, and deceive many with a gospel that is no gospel at all. Many teachers today teach a salvation that requires no repentance, no surrender to the Lordship of Christ, no life of obedience to the word of God. They preach the gospel but deny its power to transform a life from sin to holiness. Universalism runs rampant within Christian teaching. Pastors, Authors, and many within the Christian music industry embrace it, leading many astray with the false hope that no matter how we live today, God is too loving to send anyone to an eternal punishment.
     Like the gnostics of old who denied responsibility for their sin, many today claim that we cannot help being the way we are, God loves us and accepts us just as we are. In reality however, sin is sin! Human nature stands in rebellion to God and His word. The acts of sin that are commited flow out of a heart that is spiritually dead. No amount of counseling, self help, or psychology, can deal with the true issue at hand.
     The road to life is narrow, and few find it. The gate is small. Jesus began to preach the kingdom of God saying "Repent!"  We must give up our sin. It is the convicting work of the Holy Spirit to show us the depth of our sin. to show us the rebellion that lies within our hearts.Saving faith and repentance are linked. You cannot have one without the other. Jesus calls us to forsake all to follow Him. There are no half hearted commitments. We cannot pick and choose the areas of our lives that we give to Him, and then hold something back for ourselves. It is all or nothing.
     The Christian road is a road of trials. Too many people believe that when they come to Christ life becomes easy. The scriptures show us the opposite. Trials will come to shape us, too help us grow in our Christian walk. Persecution will come as we proclaim Christ. Our testimony in word and deed will offend and invite the ridicule of those around us. The Christian faces spiritual battles. Temptation is a very real thing, but instead of giving in time after time, the true Christian is one who overcomes by faith.
     Jesus stated that many will claim Him as Lord. They will claim great spiritual exploits as proof of their Christianity, but what it comes down to is this; they were only living for themselves! He does not know them! He says that the one who has eternal life is the one that does the will of God! The true Christian no longer lives for himself. Christ is who we now love with all our heart. Our lives are spent living for Him, advancing His kingdom. He surpasses everything that we hold dear. Nothing else matters but Him.
     Salvation not only is a gift of God, but it is also a work of God within our hearts. The truly saved will show it by the way they live. A saved soul is a transformed soul. There is no way around it. Do not be decieved!


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