
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Longing for Christ.

     The Bible is silent about the four hundred year period between the close of the Old Testament, and the opening of the New. History tells us that it was a dry time spiritually. The love and worship of God had turned into a formal, external system of rituals with no meaning. The Pharisees came into power with the intent of protecting the law of God, but they soon were driven by the love of power, and the praise of men.
     There were Godly individuals at this time, as there always has been, but they were the exception. When Christ came into the world, He came into a world that was lost.
     One individual who stands out, is Simeon, who met Joseph and Mary, as they were bringing Jesus to the temple to offer the sacrifices for purification (Luke 2:25-34). The Bible tells us that he was a devout, upright man, longing for the appearing of the Messiah. In the middle of a lukewarm spiritual climate he stood out as one who loved God with all his heart. He served  God, was hungry for God, and he heard from God. We are told that the Holy Spirit was upon him, and led him to the temple where he saw Christ.
     Jesus said "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God" (Matt 5:8). We are admonished in the scriptures to come out from among them and be separate (2Cor 6:17), not to be conformed to this world (Romans 12:2), to w ke from spiritual slumber (Romans 13:11). Now is the time to cultivate our relationship with Christ. Like Mary we should find the good thing, that is the intimate fellowship with Christ, the longing for Him, and the communion with Him. The Apostle Paul knew this well. His whole life was spent in the pursuit of Christ (Phil 3:8).  This world is not our true home! Can we say with Paul that we truly long for the appearing of our Lord (2Tim 4:8)?

1 comment:

  1. Good Post we need to stand out for God in this wicked generation
