
Monday, December 20, 2010

Living with no regrets.

     God has called each one of us who know Him, to be lights in this evil world. He has called some as missionaries, pastors, teachers, those who we would say had a more visible ministry. But even if you are not called to this kind of service, you are still called to be a witness for Christ, wherever you are. Everyone has a sphere of influence, whether it is in the home, or at the workplace, we all have people that we come into contact with every day. These are people who need Christ, they need to hear the message of salvation from sin, and reconciliation with God. God's word tells us that we are light in the Lord (Eph 5:8). We are to live as light, and as we live as light, we will expose the evil around us. Far too often, I'm afraid, we let the darkness around us hide the light. It may be the fear of man, how many times have we listened to filthy language, or a dirty joke at work and said nothing, maybe nervously laughing instead of telling them that that is offensive, not only to us, but to God? The Bible tells us to reprove the deeds of darkness, not for the purpose of jumping all over someone, but to show them their need for a Savior (Eph 5:11-13)!
     This passage goes on to say "Wake up O sleeper, rise from the dead!" We can get so busy with our lives that we neglect to do the things that God has called us to do. I can speak from experience. I have found myself caught up in work, and the daily routine, coming home and sitting in front of the TV, neglecting prayer, the word, and failing to be a light. Sadly, too many of us fill up our spare time with fun things for us and our families, at the expense of the lost souls around us. We do need time with our families, and I would not want to neglect them, however the Bible tells us to make the most of every opportunity that we have to share the gospel with those around us (vs 16). We may never have another chance to share with an individual again. No one is guaranteed tomorrow. Time is passing us by as many of us do nothing. Last night I was thinking about eternity, and living with the regret of failing to shine for Christ. We do not have to experience this! We can confess our sin and be forgiven, and then walk in obedience to our calling, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Today is the day to begin to redeem the time!

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