
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ahab's itching ears.

     The Bible warns of a time when men will not put up with sound Biblical doctrine. People will only listen to what makes them feel good. They will find pastors and teachers who suit their fancy, nothing hard or convicting, only easy, feel good messages (2Tim 4:3-4).
     It is amazing how the stories of the Old Testament give us examples of New Testament teachings. Consider the story of Ahab, king of Israel, found in 2 Chronicles 18. Ahab wanted to go into battle against the Arameans at Ramoth Gilead. He asked Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah to go with him. Jehoshaphat agreed, but wanted to seek the Lord first. Ahab gathered his prophets and asked them what to do. With one voice they all told him to go and be victorious. Jehoshaphat asked if they could not find a real prophet of the Lord to ask. Ahab said yes, but he did not like him because he never prophesied good about Ahab.
     He was called for, and came, but before he prophesied, he was asked to prophesy the same message as the others! When he told Ahab to go and fight in verse 14, Ahab told him to tell the truth! He did, and the message was not good. Ahab would be defeated, and killed in battle.
     Instead of heeding this word, Ahab persisted and was killed. He knew the truth but did not want it! He wanted his own way, even though he knew that it would cost him his life.
     We need to be so careful that we do not fall into this same trap. The world throws everything it can at us to pull us away from our walk with Christ. We must be careful that we never compromise the message of the cross. As Christians we need to adhere to the standard God has given us in his word. Likewise as pastors, teachers, or witnesess, we must never soften the gospel as we present it to the lost. People might want their ears tickled, but in the end they will only go on to destruction like Ahab. Stand strong on the word of God!

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