
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What will our Children believe?

     I have two young daughters, one is four years old, the other is three. As they get older, they start to wonder about what we do at church, who Jesus is, why did He die, and other things like that. About two months ago we were talking about God, and I told them that Jesus is God. My three year old's eyes got huge as she repeated "Jesus is God?" over and over. We would be in a store, and out of nowhere she would loudly announce that Jesus is God.
     Last week, we held a thanksgiving meal in church, for the public. A single mother came in with several children who played with our girls for a while. During the course of their play one of the kids told our girls that Jesus is not God, God made Him. We did not hear this until our three year old announced it in a store!
     I quickly told her that Jesus is God, and the other little girl was wrong. I told her I knew because I read it in the Bible. Now my kids don't believe me! They are both set on believing one of their own peers.
     I realize that my girls are very young, and do not fully comprehend spiritual things yet, but this has made me think about what happens to our kids. Too many times we "let them go", we send them off to school where they hear everything but biblical truth, we send them off to play with other kids who fill their minds full of junk, sadly even many church youth groups are there to entertain more than build spiritual young people.
     We are told in the Word of God to teach our Children about God, about what He has done in the past, about what He continues to do, about His commands, about pleasing Him, and when the time comes, about His grace and mercy and the need to follow Him (Deut. 6:6-9).
     We can not depend on sunday school teachers, and youth pastors to watch over our kids. It is not their job! I thank God for every faithful Christian worker, and appreciate the hard work they do as they work with our kids, but in the end the battle is won or lost in the home! Parents, it is our job to teach our kids! It is our job to train them up. It is our job to watch over them, and protect them from outside influence! Even "kids" movies are full of new age concepts, magic, witchcraft, sensuality etc. If we want to see our children grow up and serve Christ, we must begin now to immerse them in the Word of God! We cannot afford not to!

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