
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Marks of a Christian: Faith

And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6 NASB)

My previous post dealt with the idea of repentance. In short, repentance is a change from one course of life to another. Something is the driving force behind this change. Biblical repentance is a change of mind and action brought about by the conviction of the Holy Spirit. In repentance then, we turn from our unbelief and sin to submission to God. 

This is where faith comes in. Theologians differ on the question of what comes first: repentance or faith?
Regardless of what their opinions might be, they are basically two sides of the same coin. Again, we turn from sin to God. If one is not moved by a godly sorrow to confess and renounce sin and self it is impossible to exercise faith in Christ. Jesus died to set us free from a sinful lifestyle. Discipleship demands His Lordship over our lives. This we embrace in and by faith. To believe in Jesus is to follow Jesus. It cannot be anything less.

In the above verse we read that we cannot please God apart from faith. If you do not believe in His existence you will see no need to submit to or obey Him. You will not seek after Him.

This seeking after God is vital. A half hearted pursuit is no pursuit at all. Jeremiah called Israel back to God during their captivity in Babylon. He prophesied this,

Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.
And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:12-13 NASB)

This is just as pertinent to us today as it was to Israel in the days of her captivity. It's all or nothing. Do we kind of want God, or are we all in? Are we committed with all of our heart, or is our allegiance divided?

To seek God in the sense of these verses is to seek Him. We often seek God in prayer to meet a need, but what we see here not that. God Himself is the object of our seeking. We must believe that He rewards those who, as the KJV puts it, diligently seek Him. Our reward is the presence of God in our lives. A relationship with Him is what we must be after. And it involves the whole heart, a sincere passion to know and have God.

Faith is more than an intellectual knowledge of God. Many individuals have a head knowledge of biblical things.They believe historical facts about Jesus, but that's as far as they go. That is not faith. Faith is a confident belief in God that moves us into action. A person who has a firm conviction that Jesus indeed has died for him or her, and has been raised from the dead and sits at the right hand of God, will embrace the Lordship of Christ over their lives and yield to Him in loving obedience. 

Jesus said that those who love him will obey Him (John 14:21-24). Faith expresses itself in love (Gal 5:6), so if we are not obedient to the words of Christ our faith is dead. James tells us that faith without works is a dead faith (James 2:14-26). It is useless.

Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. (Col 2:6-7 ESV)

So, just as we began in faith, we are to continue our walk with Christ in the same way. We are to grow and become established in the faith. Christ is to be our lives, the one we live for on a daily basis. This is what faith is. A vibrant and growing faith is a mark of a Christian.

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