
Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Son of Man

Jesus most often referred to Himself as the Son of Man. There are numerous occasions found in all four gospel accounts where He takes this name for Himself. Today there are individuals who look at this fact and claim that Jesus was not divine, and that be referring to Himself in this way is proof that He was only a man. let's look at a few of these verses and see for ourselves.

  • John 1:51. Jesus told Nathaniel that he would see the heavens opened and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man. This would be a reference to Jacob's dream of a ladder reaching from earth to heaven (Gen 28:12-13). 
  • Matt 9:2-8. The Son of Man has authority to forgive sins. When Jesus perceived that the Pharisees were grumbling among themselves saying, "Who can forgive sins but God alone", He proved His authority by raising up the sick man. (see also Mark 2:3-12, Luke 5:18-26).
  • Mark 2:28. The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath. In James 4:11-12 we read that we as human beings are to be obedient to the law, and not judges of it. there is only one lawgiver! Jesus claimed to be Lord of the Sabbath (The one with the authority over the law).
  • Mark 8:38. The Son of Man will come with the glory of the Father and the holy angels.
  • Matt 24:30 He will come in the clouds of Heaven with great power and glory. (See also Mark 13:26, Luke 21:27, 36).
  • Luke 22:69-70. Seated at the Fathers right hand in the place of authority. This is a statement that would have left no doubt in the minds of His audience of what He was claiming, as seen by the reaction of His accusers in Matthew 26:64-65.
  • John 5:25-29. Judgement will be given to the Son. We will all stand before Him to answer for our lives some day! He will judge the world. Notice also that in these verses the title Son of God, and Son of Man are both applied to Jesus. 
These verses bring out some pretty impressive statements about Jesus the Son of Man. Power and glory are applied to Him that no mere man deserves. Surely this Man is the Son of God (Matt 27:54).
There is yet more to say about this topic however, and we will look deeper into it in another post.

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