
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Following Judah's Lion: How Whole is Your Eye?

     Here is an interesting perspective on Christians and politics. I think this is timely, as is seems that many evangelical Christians are being "swept off their feet" by Donald Trump. There are many questions that one could ask about politics and voting. Should we support "Christian" candidates only? What do we do if there are no godly candidates running for office? Do we then vote for the "lesser of two evils?" What if a candidate supports moral issues, but is not a Christian? What about voting for a Mormon? Thousands of evangelical Christians threw their support behind one in the last presidential election because he was the lesser of two evils in their sight. Yet most of us should agree that Mormons are not Christians by the biblical definition of one. Do we still get behind him or her with our support? What about the fact that we as Christians are in reality citizens of the kingdom of God, living as pilgrims and strangers here? Do we still get active in politics and civic duties, or fight the good fight of faith in other ways? The early church spent their time on their knees in prayer, and gave their lives in the spreading of the gospel, and saw far more results than we seem to be seeing. These are honest questions that Christians should ask themselves before jumping on the next candidates bandwagon. Check out this article by clicking on the link below.

Following Judah's Lion: How Whole is Your Eye?: HOW WHOLE IS YOUR EYE? Matt.6: 22  The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be ful...

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