
Friday, January 2, 2015

What Is Truth?

     Pilate said to Him, "What is truth?"
                                John 18:38 NASB

     We see this attitude running rampant throughout society today. This is an age where absolutes are fast disappearing. What is truth for you may not be truth for me, but as long as it works for me it is truth. At least truth for me, in my situation.
     We see the timeless principles of God's word being cast aside as irrelevant to the culture of the day. What was once considered to be morally wrong, is now accepted and even promoted as good and upright.
     God has been created by man to be whatever man's fleshly desires want Him to be. All roads lead to heaven has become a popular belief in our politically correct culture of the day. We do not want to exclude anyone, no matter what they believe. Even many who claim Christ as "their way to heaven" hold out the possibility that others may be right as well.
     But what does it matter if what you believe to be truth turns out not to be truth? There is only one truth that pertains to the things of God. Everyone cannot be right on this subject. If what the bible teaches us about God, man, sin, judgment, and redemption, is true, then every other religious system is false no matter how sincerely people feel about its truth.
     What good will it be when one is ten thousand years into eternity, in the wrong place, because what they thought to be truth, was a lie?
     In His conversation with Pilate Jesus declares that those who are of the truth are the ones who hear His voice (John 18:37). There is a standard found in the word of God (John 17:17), Jesus the living Word (John 1:1, 14), being the very truth Himself (John 14:6, 17:3). Only the truth can set you free (John 8:31-32, 36).


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