
Friday, August 22, 2014

We Need Discernment.

     Many Christians and non Christians as well have been beguiled into blindly accepting the "Heaven is For Real" book and movie.
     I viewed the movie last night, and all I can say is we need discernment! There was nothing in this boy's experience that can be substantiated by scriptural proof, to put it bluntly! The things he saw are fluffy and unbiblical, such as Jesus' rainbow colored horse.
     The Jesus that he saw, and confirmed by the art of a girl who also claims to have seen visions is not the Jesus described in Revelation 1:14-15. I have problems with people's ideas of "What Jesus looks like" (Exodus 20:4). I believe that we do not really know much about what Jesus looks like other than He took on flesh as a man. We worship in Spirit and truth (John 4:24).
     This movie seems to leave one with the new age/universalist feeling that all beliefs will get you to heaven, if you are a good person, you will get there.
     God forgive me if I am wrong about this, but I fear that this movie further propagates the easy feel good gospel that prevails today. Any of the things this boy saw could just as easily been passed to him by "familiar spirits". Satan passes himself off as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).
     I did not see the gospel proclaimed in this movie. What I saw was a false hope that will lead thousands of deceived souls to an eternal separation from God in endless torment.

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