
Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Most Terrifying Words You Will Ever Hear.

     There are multitudes today who have their hopes set on heaven when they die. Indeed, many of them will spend eternity worshiping Christ. They will see Him face to face, and enjoy His presence for ever.
     It will be a terrible, unexpected day however, for countless numbers of people who call themselves Christians. There are those who fully expect to enter in to the joy of the Master (Matt 25:21) Who will instead Hear "I never knew you; Depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness" (Matt 7:23).
     Not everyone who calls Jesus Lord is going to enter into the kingdom of heaven (Matt 7:21). There will be those who have done great things in the name of Jesus who will hear these dreadful words (Matt 7:22). They may be people who once served God, who have walked in a powerful anointing, but have allowed pride to take the place of God on the throne of their hearts. 

     Not everyone who says Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.
                     Matt 7:21 NASB

     It is those who are doing the will of the Father, who are seeking His kingdom and righteousness as their highest priority in life (Matt 6:33), who will enter in. These are the people who have placed Christ upon the throne in their lives. They truly live for Him, His agenda is their agenda. They have allowed Him to transform their lives. They are victorious in the face of trial and temptation, a victory achieved by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony (Rev 12:11). Their lives are marked by obedience. Not a slavish obedience, but obedience flowing out of a supreme love to God, and a passion for His glory. Should they stumble, they get up in repentance and faith and continue on in the strength of the Holy Spirit.
     Jesus said that it is a small gate and narrow way that leads to life, and few find it (Matt 7:13-14). Most individuals are sadly on the broad path to destruction. Many hold to a form of godliness without the power (2 Tim 3:5). These individuals show by the fruit of their lives that self reigns in their hearts. Life is all about them, they only want enough of Jesus to get them safely to heaven. But that is not how it works! Their lives are marked by lawlessness (Matt 7:23). They may look good, may be in church, may even have done great things, but they harbor hidden sins, they live for themselves and not for God. They live without law, trusting that they are saved all along.
     You do not want to be surprised on that day. What road are you on? Are you truly living for Christ with all your heart? Are you trusting Him everyday to overcome this world, or are you like so many that think everything is ok, as you pursue the things that are only temporal? What will you hear on that day?

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