
Friday, March 7, 2014

Be Strong in the Lord.

     Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.
                             Ephesians 6:10 NASB

     The spiritual battle we face is one that cannot be fought in our own strength. We are mere human beings fighting against principalities and powers that we cannot see, and know so little about. Human resources and physical strength are of little use in a conflict that is spiritual in nature.
     Our salvation is found in Christ and Him alone (Psalm 62:5-6). It is in Him that we find the strength we need to face the trials and temptations that come our way. We are bound to fail if we do not rely on Him at all times.
     Too many Christians feel self confident. They have the pull yourself up by the bootstraps mentality. We have too many self help books, too many seminars for life's issues, too many Christian psychologists, too many programs. In spite of all the life coaches, and all the counselors, and all the self effort we put forth, we see failure all the time. Temptations and habits are never overcome, people still fall the same way consistently. Many Christians remain weak and stunted in their spiritual growth, and others make shipwreck of their faith.
     I might seem to be stepping on some toes, and it is not my desire to offend, but I desire to challenge the body of Christ to rise up and fight the good fight of faith in the power of the Lord God Almighty. This is the place of victory.
     It was the Apostle Paul's prayer that we would know how great God's power toward us is (Eph 1:19). That is the point. Too many do not truly realize how great this power is. They may understand in some abstract way that God is powerful, but it is not a living active faith that takes Christ and puts Him on, a faith that lives and moves "in Christ", a faith that takes hold and conquers in the name of Jesus.
     Paul prayed that we would be strengthened with the Spirit of God in our inner self (Eph 3:16). Paul speaks of the power of God that was at work in his life (Col 1:29). He also encourages us with the fact that God is faithful to strengthen and protect us from the evil one (2Thessalonians 3:3).
     Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil (1John 3:8). He came to render him powerless (Hebrews 2:14). We do not need to fail! As our faithful high priest, we can come to Him for grace (Hebrews 4:15-16). We have all we need for life and godliness (2Peter 1:3-4), and it is found in Christ.
     We must be in Christ. That is to be yielded to Him. He must be in control of our lives. We cannot be living our way and expect Him to come and help us when we need Him. It is all or nothing in the kingdom of God. James says we must first submit to God, then resist the devil and he will flee (James 4:7-8).
     It is by faith that we walk in the power of the Lord, a faith that overcomes the world (1John 5:5). Greater is He who is in you, than he who is in the world (1John 4:4)!

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