
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The call of God part 6.

     I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
     Philippians 3:14(NASB)

     We have, like the Apostle Paul, have been called to know Christ. This is not mere knowledge about Him, nor is it about saying a sinners prayer, or making a one time commitment. This is a life long pursuit of Jesus, the lover of your soul. It is a pursuit to know Him in an ever increasing intimate way. It will cost you everything. Paul counted everything loss for the sake of knowing Christ, so must we.
     This is not something we can add to a list of things to do in an already crowded life. It must be the one consuming passion of our lives. Paul said "One thing I do" (13). Paul did a lot of things. He planted churches, wrote major portions of scripture, preached, travelled, etc, but in reality he only did one thing, not "This is one thing I do among many other things". The one thing he did was to passionately pursue Christ. He was consumed by this goal; to know Christ. This is the call that God is sounding out to us, deep calling unto deep, the call to deep intimacy. Out of this pursuit Paul planted churches, wrote scripture, preached and travelled. He also suffered persecution, hunger, shipwreck, and travail of soul. It is a costly call, but all that matters is Christ, knowing Him, pleasing Him, fellowship with Him, being formed into His image.
     Count the cost, and pursue Him with total abandon!

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