
Saturday, February 18, 2012

A means to an end?

     "Truly, truly, I say to you, you are seekining me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate your fill of the loaves. Do not labor for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you.
     John 6:26,27 ESV.

     Jesus had miraculously fed five thousand individuals with two fish, and five loaves of bread. The next day, the people were searching for Jesus, wanting more. They had an encounter with God Himself, but were only interested in what He could give them. He was only a means to an end for them. They cared nothing about knowing Him, loving Him, and serving Him.
     Many today have this same attitude. People are seeking God for things: even necessary things. People are encouraged to come to Christ for happiness, a better life, finances, and a host of many other things.
       It is true that God will provide. He cares for us and desires the best for us. He encourages us to come to Him with our needs and burdens. However He is not a means for our ends! He is the end! We are called to live for His glory, His plans, His purposes. We come to Him for salvation, not so we can be happy, or bettered, but so we can be reconciled to Him, so we can know Him and fellowship with Him. It is about Him!
     Jesus said if we seek His kingdom and righteousness first, that is to make it our consuming priority, He will provide all that we truly need (Matt 6:25-33). We are called to abandon our lives, to live for Him. He is our purpose, not the other way around.

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