
Saturday, February 4, 2012

God's warnings.

     We as parents warn our children. We warn them not to talk to strangers. We warn them to look carefuly before they cross the street. We warn them not to wander off in a busy store. We warn them that there are consequences to their actions. We do this because we love them and are looking out for their well being.
     In the same way God warns us. The Bible is filled with warnings. Warnings to the saved as well as the lost. The book of Hebrews contains several warnings written to Christians, exhorting them to stand firm in their faith, exhorting them to press on to maturity, exhorting them to encourage one another. We neglect these warnings at our own peril!
     Down through the ages people have tried to explain these passages away, tried to soften them, and tried to make them fit into their theological systems. This is what our children often do with the warnings we give them. They want to do their own thing, so they disregard the warning. God did not place these passages of scripture in our Bible to scare us, or to confuse our theology. He loves us! He desires the best for us! He wants us to be safe so He warns us!
     We see countless portions of scripture that encourage us of the saving and keeping power of Christ. One of the ways we are kept, is by being warned. Do not fall into the trap of manipulating scripture to accomodate a theological system,or to feel "safe". Heed the warning, God is protecting you by it!

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