
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Where is your heart?

     Where your treasure is, there will be your heart also......
                                                                                              Matt 6:21

     Here are a few questions to get us thinking about what we treasure in our hearts.

     What consumes our thoughts? what do we think about all day? Is it our jobs, families, the cares and worries of life, friends, hobbies? Are our thoughts taken up with Christ, longing for Him, desiring to know Him better, thinking of how we can please Him? Is His kingdom always on our minds?

     What takes up our time? Jobs, hobbies, entertainment, even families? Or is our time spent pursuing Christ, spent in prayer and the word, spent serving Him? Are we spending our time promoting His kingdom?

     How about money? What are we spending it on? Do we spend it on frivolous things, things that we don't really need? Do we use it in the best way to promote His kingdom?

     These are just some things to make us think about what we really hold dear. We all need to make ends meet, and we all have families that we love and care for, but if we pursue Christ with all of our heart, we will find that everything is taken care of.

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