
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Justification, and regeneration.

     Here are some interesting quotes that explain the difference between justification, and regeneration.

 1. Justification is a work done for us, but regeneration is a work done in us. 2. Justification changes our relation to God, and restores us to his favor by a pardon, while regeneration changes our state, our real character. 3. Justification removes the guilt of the sin which we have committed, while regeneration removes the love of sin and takes away our bent of sinning. 4. Justification removes the punishment we deserve, remits the penalty of the law, but regeneration plants the principle of obedience in the heart. 5. Justification brings the favor of God, while regeneration brings back the image of God, and again impresses it upon the soul.
Lee, Luther (2011-09-13). Elements of Theology (Kindle Locations 6734-6741). Unknown. Kindle Edition.


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