
Friday, October 14, 2011

Hindrances to prayer.

     Our fellowship with God, and our fellowship with one another, are all tied together. a right relationship with God will produce right relationships with those around us, and wrong treatment of our fellow man will adversely effect our relationship with God.
     Prayer is a vital link to God. It is our communication with Him. It is the channel through which we bring Him our needs, cares and burdens. Through prayer we advance His interests and kingdom. Through prayer we enter into His very presence to receive grace and mercy in time of need. It is of utmost importance that we keep this line of communication open.
     The New Testament warns us in many places that our prayer can be hindered through the mistreatment of others. When someone wrongs us it is up to us to forgive that individual. Jesus said " When you stand praying, forgive". When we have wronged someone it is up to us to go and be reconciled to that individual, then come and offer our gift on the altar. To approach God while holding enmity in our heart, is offensive to Him.
     Husbands have the responsibility to care for their wives, and are to treat them with love and respect. To fail to do this will hinder prayer as well. We often joke about arguments we have on the way to church as if they really don't matter. We feel better about ourselves because it happens to the sunday school teacher, or the worship leader, or the pastor as well, but it really does matter! These things will hinder our walk with God until they have been dealt with. We are to lift up holy hands without anger or quarrelling.
     The bible urges us to submit to one another. In other words we are to look out for each other, put others first, seeking to maintain peace for the sake of Christ and His gospel. It is in this context that Peter states "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble". It is pride that is at the core of our arguments, and resentment, unforgiveness and anger. This is what is offensive to God, and will shut out our prayers from His ear. Instead, let us live and work along side of each other in love, seeking the common goal of living for the Glory of Christ our king.

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