
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Study all things.

     My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...
      -Hosea 4:6

     The Apostle Paul warned the Ephesian church that false teachers would arise from within their own ranks. He warned of a time when people would not endure sound teaching, but would instead find teachers who would tickle their ears with false teachings. False teachings have been around since the day that the serpent deceived Eve in the garden. False prophets and priests existed in the days of ancient Israel. The epistles of the new testament address many false doctrines that were spreading throughout the church in the first century. Nothing has changed today as well. Different gospels are finding their way into many churches, churches that were at one time pillars of truth! Often we can spot a cult quite easily. Some teaching is obviously wrong, and a lot easier to reject as false. However some things can be quite subtle. It looks biblical, sounds biblical, sound evangelical preachers are promoting it....we need to be so careful! Deception creeps in and gains a foothold when individuals fail to carefully examine what they hear by the word of God. Generations of christians grow up mindlessly believing everything they hear without really looking into it to see if it is right or not. Doctrines taught by various denominations are adhered to and taken at face value, when in fact they are nothing more than the traditions of man.
     We must immerse ourselves in the truth of God's word. When Paul was preaching the gospel in Berea, the individuals there studied the scriptures to see if he was telling the truth or not. There are plenty of preachers, teachers, authors, etc. today who teach nothing more than a soft watered down feel good gospel that makes people feel good about themselves, giving them a false sense of security, but doing nothing to save their souls. What good would it be if a doctor told an individual who was dying of a terminal disease, that all was well, the illness was not severe, could be treated with asprin,and then sent him happily on his way, all because he wanted this individual to feel good about the situation he was in, rather than confront him with the truth of his disease, and the hard options that could save his life? That is what we see too many times today within evangelical christianity! A false representation of God, and a false representation of man's fallen condition, as well as a false gospel designed to make us feel better without really saving us. This lack of knowledge leads countless numbers to hell with a false assurance that all is well between them and God. Paul was not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. To him it was the power of God unto salvation. He took great care to ensure that the truth was upheld. We must do the same today. Jesus spoke of a broad way full of people leading to destruction, and a narrow less traveled road leading to life, make sure you are on the right road!

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