
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Old time religion.

I love to read the accounts of mighty moves of God in times past. I have read about men such as Jonathan Edwards, David Brainard, John Wesley, Charles Finney, Dwight Moody, Evan Roberts, and the list goes on. I read the accounts of the great awakenings in America, that took place in the days of Edwards, and later in the days of Finney. I read about John Wesley, and how he would preach outside, attracting crowds of thousands without advertising. It is exciting to read about the Welsh revival, and the Azuza street revival that occured around the same time in America. I mention all this because these things stir something within me. I long to see God move in a similar way today. I long to see churches filled with people who are not just there for a service, but who are there to actually encounter the living God! People prayed down the Holy Ghost. There was a deep, very real conviction of sin. People experienced true repentance, and were very soundly converted. There was a public confession of sin, and restitution was made for past wrongs. All of these things come about when God is present, and working. Many of these preachers did not prepare sermons, they followed the leading of the Holy Spirit, letting Him do the work. They emphasised repentance, submission to Christ, obedience in everything, holiness of heart and life, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the spirit of prayer. I desire to see these things happen  again. I don't want to be content with how we so often do church in the same old regular way. God has so much more to offer, if only we will earnestly seek Him. We tend to allow things to grow stale without realizing it. That is the lesson of the wineskins, doing things the same way, letting tradition dictate, rather than the Spirit of God. Instead we need to abandon ourselves for His sake, letting Him have His way in everything. We are in desperate need of a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit. We need His presence and power. We need life breathed back into our churches once again. Jesus must be all!

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