
Saturday, June 18, 2011

God works through us.

     Many Christians desire to see God work in their churches and communities. They want to see friends and families saved, they want to see people set free from destructive habits, they want to see lives transformed by the power of the gospel. Towards this end, many pray and ask God to intervene in the lives of those around them. this is good, and we should pray, but sadly this is as far as most people go.
     I firmly believe that we can pray all we want to for revival, healing, salvations, etc. but if we are not willing to be used by God, if we are not willing to go as a witness to the lost, if we are not willing to be used to stir up backslidden christians around us, we will see no results!
     This might seem like a hard statement, but I believe it to be true nonetheless. We are told that the work of the Holy Spirit is to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgement. The kind of conviction needed to change a heart can only come from God. We in and of ourselves have no ability to do this. All our best efforts to convince others of  sin and salvation our futile. However God has chosen to use us as his witnesess. The Holy Spirit uses individuals who are yielded to Him. God wanted to save Cornelius, but He sent Peter to witness to him. God wanted to save the Macedonians, so He sent Paul. It is easy to just pray, but if we really want results we must go. The Holy Spirit convicts hearts through the effective witness of those who are filled with Him, ready and willing to go wherever He sends, and do whatever He wants done.
     If we want to see God move in power in answer to our prayers, we must be willing to go!

1 comment:

  1. Amen brother. We can sit around pray for God to exalt His name but if we are not willing to go and exalt His name, what is the point? I say we need to do both: pray and obey!
