
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The word of God is still true.

     Last night I read an interview where one of Harold Camping's adherants stated that they were surprised, disapointed, but the word of God was still true.
     While they were all wrong concerning the date set for the rapture of the church, this individual was right about the trustworthiness of God.
     Jesus stated several times in Matthew 24, that no one knows the day or hour, I will come at a time you think not, if the owner of the house knew when the thief was coming he would be ready, etc.
     There always has been, and always will be those who work around these clear statements given to us by the unchanging God, who cannot lie. We need to be careful that we judge everything by His word. We are warned that false prophets will come and try to deceive. If someone says here He is, or there He is, DO NOT LISTEN!
     I also read that now they think the end will come in October. I hope that people will not give them all the undeserved hype that they got the last time. This group has now been wrong twice.

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