
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Do not be deceived.

     People are looking for something. They desire encouragement, wisdom for daily decisions, something to fill the emptiness of soul that many feel. We all desire to live happy, fulfilling lives, each and every day.
     I cannot help but notice the popularity of daily advice coming to individuals on facebook, through horoscope readings, and daily fortune cookies. While many may find these things amusing, many take them seriously. Then there are also the computer generated messages from God. They claim that God is speaking directly to the individual through daily readings. Now it is true that many individuals have found encouragement through daily devotionals, and God does use things like that to reveal Himself to us, and to guide us in His ways. However just because something claims to be from God does not mean it is!
     God has revealed Himself to us through His word. His word contains everything that we need for life and godliness. It is His message to us, and is unchanging. Therefore, anything we hear that claims to be from God cannot contradict what He has spoken to us through His His word. We are not to add to it, or take away from it. To water it down, make it mean what we want it to mean, or to change it to fit the culture, leads to great danger. The Bible contains the words of life, to deviate from it only leads one astray. There is a way that seems right to man, but it leads to destruction (Prov 14:12).  Anything that we read or any teaching we listen to must be backed up by the word of God, or it must be rejected!
     Deception is everywhere. Something may look good, sound good, even contain some biblical elements, but can still be wrong! We are told that satan disguises himself as an angel of light. We must always be on guard. There is a lot of fluff being taught, things that are of no real value spiritually. Our souls need the pure word of God to live and grow. It is by putting into practice what we see in the Bible, that we mature in our walk with Christ. All that we need for life and godliness is found within its pages.
     Check out everything by God's standard. Be very careful, too much is at stake. Eternity is at stake!


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