
Monday, March 14, 2011

True repentance is sincere.

     True repentance is sincere. It flows out of a heart that has been broken by the realization of how ugly our sin is in the sight of God. It was this realization that caused David to say "Against you only have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight" (Psalm 51:4). A true penitent means it when confession is made. Often we see people apologize half heartedly. This is especially true when we see parents trying to get their children to apologize to each other. Too often we do our children a diservice when we settle for a coerced apology that we can see is insincere.
     A heart that is truly sorry for the sin it has commited will make a full confession to God. It will hold nothing back. One who is truly sorry for sin will not make excuses for sin either. It can see the depth of it's wickedness, and will take full responsibility for it. An individual who makes excuses is an individual who has not reached the end of himself. He is still trying to justify his actions, and is unable to receive the grace of God. Such a one shows that self is still on the throne of his life.
     Along with the full blame, a truly repentant individual will see that any punishment is deserved. God is just, and a repentant person will see Him as just, and will see that his sin deserves punishment. To think that hell, or any punishment is unfair is to make God out to be unfair. This can be seen in David's psalm of confession (Psalm 51:4) and also Daniel's prayer of repentance (Daniel 9:4-19).
     While it is true that God urges us to repent, and the bible warns us of the consequences if we do not repent, yet repentance must be a free act. It can not be forced. It must flow freely out of a heart that desires to return to God. It flows out of a heart that desires to forsake sin because it grieves God. Anything forced has elements of insincerity, and selfishness in it.
   A godly sorrow will produce a true repentance that leads to life, while the sorrow of the world will only produce a false repentance, leaving one with a false hope.

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