
Thursday, November 11, 2010

The persecuted.

     In His sermon on the mount, Jesus calls those who are persecuted blessed. When, for the sake of righteousness, we are reviled, persecuted, and slandered, we are to rejoice and be exceedingly happy!
     This can be seen in Acts 5:41, when the disciples were beaten for preaching in the temple. They rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer for Christ. I read something that Richard Wurmbrand wrote. He was in prison for his faith, in communist controlled Romania. He told of how they would have Bible studies in prison. This of course was forbidden, and if caught, the offender recieved a beating. He said we were happy teaching the word, the guards were happy beating us, so every one was happy!
   It is a fact that all who desire to live a Godly life will be persecuted (2 Tim. 3:12). Jesus told His followes that they would be persecuted (John 15:17-16:4). If we belonged to the world we would be accepted by the world. But as it is we are no longer of this world, we are a called out, peculiar people. There is a line drawn in the sand that we will not cross. Our life and witness will be offensive, will bring conviction, and invite persecution. Just the simple act of Jesus healing on the sabbath caused turmoil among the religious leaders of His day. It was His message that stepped on toes, people set in their ways do not like to be challenged to repent and follow God. Likewise we can expect the same as we let our lights shine in the world today. We may not go to prison, or be martyered for our faith, but if we stand for Christ we will face the scorn of this world. There is no flowery  bed of ease this side of eternity. We are either for Christ or against Him, either boldly siding with Him, or ashamed of Him and His words. Far too often the easy path is chosen out of fear, but whenever fear has been cast aside, and Christianity boldly lived out, Scripture and history has shown the fruit born!

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