
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Let your light shine.

   Matthew 5:13-16.
       There are several things that can be derived from this section of Christ's sermon on the mount.

          1. God has chosen to use people. Jesus said YOU are the salt, YOU are the light. It is through human beings in whom His spirit dwells, that God reaches out to the world.

           2. This light is not intended to be hidden. There is no such thing as a closet Christian. If God's spirit is active in our lives it will be evident to all around us. If we truly love Christ with all of our hearts, we will not be ashamed to let others know! In fact it will burn within us. We will let it out!

           3. Don't let fear of persecution stop you. Jesus just got done speaking about being persecuted for the sake of righteousness, and then He says to shine! Just before He was crucified he warned His disciples about coming persecution that they would face. He warned them so that they would know ahead of time, and not give up (John 16:1). Persecution has never been able to stop the spread of the Gospel. In fact the reverse is true, it spreads with more power and conviction.

          4. We must be consistent with our witness. Our walk must match our talk. Many individuals may say much about Christ and Christianity, but do not obey His word. Their witness has no power, and people are turned off to the message. We must not only be hearers of the word, but doers (James 5:22)!
     Others live good moral lives,but keep silent. They obey the word but do not tell others about Christ and what He can do for them. They think that their lives will be a witness, therefore they do not need to speak! Jesus said to let others see our good deeds so that they will glorify God! An alcoholic who has been delivered by Christ and no longer desires to drink, says no when asked to go out and party. When asked why not, he says " I don't feel like it" or " I don't like to do that any more". Where is the witness to the grace and saving power of Christ? When asked why we do what we do, and live the way we live, we should come out and say that it is because of Jesus Christ and what He has done for me! The world needs to know!

     Let's be encouraged today, to stand up wherever we are and shine. Live a life filled with the Spirit, and boldly proclaim the truth to a needy world.

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