
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Blessed are the merciful.

     Blessed are the merciful, for they shall recieve mercy.
                                                                                           Matt 5:7 (NASB)

      Love for one another is the characteristic that sets Christians apart from those around them. This love is shown in many ways, by bearing one anothers burdens, looking out for one anothers needs, forgiving one another, encouragement, etc. Christian love will go to extremes to help others. It is not stopped by race or color, social status, or poverty. Those who reach out with love and compassion are called blessed here, by our Lord.
     This verse poses the question; How can our reception of mercy depend upon our being merciful? Two portions of scripture come to mind. One is found in Matthew 25:31-46, the separation of the sheep and goats at the judgement. The point of separation was the love shown to others! Those who fed the hungry, clothed the naked, visited the sick and those in prison were told that they had done it unto the Lord. Those who failed to do these things were told that they had neglected the Lord. As much as they had neglected the least, most insignificant or unloveable person, they had neglected the Lord (vs 45). Our true devotion to Christ is seen in how we treat others! If we are truly born again, led by the Spirit Christians it will be shown in how we love the UNLOVEABLE!
     The other passage is found in James chapter 2, the chapter on faith and works. James is dealing with christians who were showing partiality. They treated the rich and well to do with honor and respect, but shunned the poor. In the  following verses James shows them that by doing this they were actually breaking the law. He goes on to show that even though we may keep all the law, if we fail at one point we are guilty as lawbreakers. James was showing his readers that by showing partiality they were breaking the moral law, or the law of love, by which they would be judged (vs. 12). He tells them that if they do not show mercy, they will not be shown mercy, but mercy triumphs over judgement.
     Just like the warning lights in a car, the law (ten commandments) shows us what is inside of us. Are we really right with God or not. While it is only through faith in Christ that we are forgiven and brought into relationship with God, It is also true that we are then a new creation, created to love God and each other. When we stand before God our lives will be judged by the standards set forth in His word. Thank God that He does forgive, but remember that His grace also will change our lives from the inside out!

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